Chapter 24

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Nikki POV

This is not what I thought might happen. T was going to see Will, and he was going to find out that Nate and Izzy knew about my relationship with Will. I'm not even sure how is he going to take this. So I gathered all my strength and looked at him straight in the eye, trying by all means to conceal how awkward and hard this was for me.

"I came here with Nate, Izzy and Will." I said.

"I got a text from Hailey saying that she saw you here, and you didn't look good. So I came to help." T said.

"What?" I asked. This was not making any sense.

"Look, I also don't know what is going on here Nikki, because you look fine to me. Hailey made it seem like you were too drunk or something." T said.

"I'm fine T. I don't know what her motive in telling you that was." I said.

I was starting to panic because Izzy, Nate and Will were waiting for me to get in the car then we can leave. T seemed confused and so was I.

"Look T, I gotta go, can we talk about this later." I said.

"No wait! Why leave when this just got started." Hailey yelled from a distance.

Oh boy, what is she doing here?

"Great." I said while pulling my lips into a thin line.

"What is going on here Nikki?" T asked.

"Hello love birds." Hailey said walking towards the car where T and I were standing. She was with two girls, after taking a closer look, I noticed that they were also in the bathroom when Hailey and I had our feud.

"Hailey I don't have time for this." I said.

Nate got out of the car. We all turned and looked at him. He looked stunned, his eyes weren't leaving T.

This is not going to be good.

"T, what are you doing here?" Nate asked.

"Why is everybody asking me that? What? Is it wrong for me to go to a club?" T asked. He looked irritated.

"Babe what is going on?" Will asked. He walked over to my side and put his hand around my waist.

"It's nothing Will. You can wait in the car." I said nervously. This was really bad and highly unexpected.

"Oh can just all of you shut up? Nikki has something to say to you T. Tell him Nikki, tell him what you told me in the bathrooms." Hailey said, folding her arms and giving me an evil grin.

Izzy got out of the car and joined us. After seeing Hailey and her friends, she walked over to my side.

"Fuck you Hailey." I said.

"What is going on here Nikki? Who is this guy?" T asked.

"Excuse me, you can ask me that directly." Will said.

"And what if I don't want to?" T asked.

"Know what? I'm not entertaining this crap, because I'll find myself throwing a punch at someone. Come babe let's get in the car. Nate and Izzy, let's go." Will said.

"Your so precious Nikki right here, has been fucking with Thomas. I caught them kissing the other day after this bitch followed Thomas and I to the basketball court. I confronted her then she decided to beat me up." Hailey said.

"You're crazy. Come babe let's go." Will said.

"Ask her if I'm lying." Hailey said.

"Hailey stop this nonsense right now." Nate said.

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