Prologue and Chapter 1

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My mom wouldn't stop talking in the car, I was in the passenger's seat staring at the tall buildings of New York. She kept on going "Honey this is your year to make female friends, not that I'm against the fact that you have Male best friends, you I know don't mind, but I just want you to do all the girly things that other girls do when you get there."

With a deep sigh "Okay mommy, I promise I will make female friends, I will go to picnics, go shopping and also go to varsity events and gatherings, now can we please change the topic?" I asked rolling my eyes.

Mom wouldn't stop nagging me about being social, making friends and all that jazz, but I just didn't worry about all that, I didn't bother about such even in my senior years. Well at least one thing for sure was that both my best friends were attending the same university as I did. We all applied and all got accepted. Talk about lucky star alignment. I know typical besty excitement well I have to admit, we all kinda nerdy at times but we play sports too.
I was in the girls' soccer team, Nate in the basketball team and also Thomas we call him 'T' he's also in the basketball team.

Now you may wonder, why do I have male friends and why do I play soccer?

Well truth is, I was raised by my dad because my mom was in medical school so she spent most of her time in the hospital or studying. So basically being raised by dad made me take more interest in doing boy activities rather than playing with dolls.
I sucked at fashion. T and Austin would always be the ones helping me out when it comes to shopping.
I trusted their opinion when it came to female clothing because they knew and understand my sense of reality and my personality.

So basically that's just my life.
Before getting out the car mom raised her brow looking at me "Nikki promise me you'll at least have fun and if you need anything or want to talk about anything just call." she said with a worried look.
I assured her "Mom I am just two hours away from home, you made sure I choose a nearby university, so if anything goes wrong I'll just come back home."
She looked at me concerned "But baby just try."
I kissed her goodbye and grabbed my bags from the back seat and the one in the boot. She opened her window from the driver's seat yelling "Nikki do you need help with that honey?"
I reassured her that I was fine. Mom is just not really accepting the fact that I'm 19 years and in my first year of varsity.

Before carrying my bags I heard someone yelling "Nikki!" and when I turned it was Nate and T, they were walking towards me. Charmers! I smiled as I decided to not lift any of my bags, I knew they would help me carry them. Nate was Japanese, he had muscles and was tall, when comparing our heights my head reaches his shoulder, yes that's how tall he is. As for T, he is a hot brunette just like me, he had the cutest lips, I remember when we were young Nate and I would laugh when girls always wanted to pick him when we played spin the bottle. He has grey eyes and a jawline to die for, his height is almost as the same as Nate but Nate was just a little taller.

We all met in 7th grade I was a newbie and so was Nate, his family had just moved to New York from Japan. T was more of a nerd so he didn't have friends, we all just clicked and became besties since then, even our parents were friends because we did sleep overs and all other besty stuff.

As they approached me, I noticed how girls were looking and gawking at them. If only they knew what idiots they are. They helped me with my bags and we walked towards the girls' residence blocks, I took out the admission letter and looked for which block I was allocated in. It was Block C Room 34, guessing I said it out loud because a pretty blonde girl came towards us, and asked "Block C Room 34 huh? Come I know your roommate, she has already settled in, by the way my name is Amber, it's my fourth year. I've been appointed as the Student Allocation officer" she said while leading the way and before we knew it we reached my supposedly allocated room. I used the key that came along with the admission letter and opened the door.
The room was big and had two beds on two different sides of the room, there were two big wardrobes and two studying tables. The other side of the room seemed to have already been occupied so I had to just leave my bags on my side of the room.

T finally broke the silence, "Well at least if you have a cool roommate then we can come visit and maybe hook-up with some ladies" he said grinning and we all started laughing. They left me with my bags and headed out. "See you later guys" I said and threw myself on the bed. Oh great mom is calling

"Hello mommy" I said with a calm tone.
She asked if I was doing fine blah blah "I'm fine mom" I finally said then we said our goodbyes and I dosed off on the bed.

Chapter 1
It was finally the first official day of varsity, I was familiar with the environment because I came last year to attend the orientation. I hanged out with my besties all the time except for the fact that we had different classes.

I was doing Bachelor of Accounting Science. Nate was doing Software programming and T was doing Chemical Engineering. So we only got to chill after classes.
Oh and I met my roommate turns out she's a real nice girl her name is Issabela but she said I can call her Izzy. She had an Australian accent and she was really pretty. The big difference between Izzy and I is that she is so girlish. She dresses up real nice, from girl to girl, I gotta give her that. Then there's me me, I do dress as a girl and dress nice I guess, thanks to technology I can just order an entire outfit online.

My mom never hesitated to pay for online shopping because she just wanted her baby girl to be happy.
After all it was just me and her left, my dad passed away when I was 13 years old, he was a war journalist. He went out to war and never came back, it was later confirmed that he passed away with many other soldiers. They got married when they were young, my mom was 18 and my dad was 19, they were high school sweethearts.

My mom had me when she was 18 years. My mom is still hot, she's also a brunette. I inherited most of her features and judging by our phenotype you could easily tell that I was her daughter.

It has been a week since I arrived here on campus.

I was done with my classes for the day. I waited for T near his faculty, he was meeting up with one of his lecturers and after he was done we left. "Do you think they have any female soccer teams here?" I asked T.

"Oh yes there is, I wanted to tell you, it probably slipped my mind. Now tell me Nikki are you sure you want to play soccer, don't you want to play or join some painting groups? You are very talented in painting and in High school we didn't have painting groups or classes. I asked around and they have them here." T said, he was really concerned and cared, well that's why he's my bestie.

While we were still talking, Nate walked towards us "So what did I miss?"
"Nothing much, was just telling Nikki about the painting groups that they have here." T said.
"Yes Nikki, you should actually try them out." Nate added.
"Okay guys I will, thank you for being the best besties ever" I said while hugging both of them, man they are tall.

Varsity life was fine, I made a new friend Izzy. A girl finally! I introduced her to Nate and T, they all clicked instantly. It felt good to have another female friend among us, now I could have someone to talk regarding female issues.

The first semester went by, exams ended and it was time to go home for mid-year holidays.

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