Chapter 19

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In three weeks we were having our final exams. I was under a lot of pressure because I had juggle up time I spent at the studio and between my classes. Everything was going well in my life. I had my best friend back and we hanged out more often lately. I told Will about Nate and he was keen on meeting him.

Talking of Will.

He has been a little distant lately, I knew that he was studying but it was unlike him to not text me for an entire day. Sometimes he doesn't text me for three days, it did hurt but then I didn't want to put any stress on him and maybe he was having second thoughts about us. I wanted to talk to Izzy about it so that she will give me advice but I wanted to be sure of my suspicions first.

My classes were finally over for the day, it was 3 pm. I decided to go study by the basketball court. It's usually quiet there and less people went to that area during classes. So I texted Izzy and told her about my whereabouts in case she needed me.

I reached the basketball court and as expected there were four people there. They were all seated in distant benches and everyone minding their own business. I took out my laptop and started studying. I was sitting on the chairs at the far end from the main door. I had been there for 3 hours, everyone that was in the basketball court had already left. I was focussed on my reading until a loud giggle disturbed me. The footsteps moved closer into the court.

"Ssssh someone might hear us." A female voice said.

"I don't care." A familiar voice said.

I slouched on the chair so that they wouldn't notice me, and then I could sneak out and leave. The two people walked in and the girl ran into the centre of the basketball court, she was carrying a basket ball and trying to shoot it in the hoop.

"Come let me show you how to do it babe." The guy said.

I looked closer and it was T. He was wearing denim jeans, an orange t shirt and a cap. He walked towards her and grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. Anyone could tell that they were dating. I felt a little jealous but I was glad that T was seeing someone. It's just that I expected him to tell me he found someone, but his happiness was all that mattered. So much for thinking he was bitter wherever he is.

My phone fell, making an echo. T and the girl stopped kissing and looked towards my direction. I was panicking and I quickly picked it up grabbed my laptop and backpack then stood and ran out of the basketball court. "Nikki! Wait!" T yelled but I didn't stop. I slowed down when I passed the lecture halls.

"Are you okay young lady?" the security guard asked me.

"I'm okay thank you." I said panting trying to catch my breath.

"Nikki, please wait." T yelled.

"Is this guy troubling you mam?" the security guard asked.

"No it's okay." I said while not looking at T.

"Can I accompany you to your block? It's not safe on campus at this time Nikki." T said.

I nodded and followed him. We were both silent for a moment. I was too embarrassed to say anything.

"Nikki, I'm sorry for what you saw." T said while holding my hand.

"Why?" I asked.

"I should've told you that I was seeing someone. After you rejected me I had to move on Nikki." T said.

"I know and understand T. I just wish you told me that's all." I said.

"Just you know I wasn't stalking you, I went there to study." I said.

"Of course you weren't stalking me Nikki. I know that." T said.

"So how long have you been seeing her?" I asked.

"Been a month now." He said.

"Alright that's nice." I said.

"I have missed you Nic, but I wasn't sure how to face you since last time at Burger King. I was a jerk that day." T said.

"It's okay T and I have missed you too. And yes you were a jerk." I said.

"Nic can we just talk things out and be okay? I haven't been okay lately. Nate talks about you a lot and it just drives me crazy that I can't talk to you." T said.

"I really missed talking to you and making fun of Nate." I said chuckling.

"Yeah, that Japanese is going crazy about Izzy." T said.

We did some catching up but it wasn't that serious. We walked around campus giggling and laughing about stuff. Even though T and I talked about our feelings for each other, there was still that connection between us and that got confirmed today when I saw him kissing that girl he was with.

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