Stinky being stinky >:(

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You had begged Snufkin for at least a year for him to let you travel along with him, to travel the world and go on thrilling adventures he spoke of fondly.
He was patient with you, for you begged over and over again through the entire time of all his visits.
Snufkin was two years older then you, so you two were always really close growing up!

It honestly broke you when he left for months or even years at a time, as he was your best friend.
You spent days on days missing his jokes and fun ideas as you were left to deal with all of your younger siblings, so you took your chance when he visited and he eventually agreed!

You packed quickly and you maaaaay have stolen one of the Joxter's old knives.
Your father wouldn't have minded, Probably would've been more proud, but you weren't telling him.
That was three years ago, now you lived in moominvalley with your boyfriend, the one and only moomintroll.
It worked out perfectly, Snufkin and moomin were best friends and you were Snufkin's sister.
Snorkmaiden was mad at you for a bit, before she realized she had a huge crush on Little my.

You lived in the woods, inside a quaint, tidy, little shack that the Moomins helped you build.
It had a loft bed with a small desk sat under it, holding all your sewing supplies.
A small bookshelf was also shoved under there, holding all your herbal, cooking and story books.
A wood burning stove sat against the furthest wall from your bed as your fishing rod hung above it for when snufkin invited you to fish in the river.

It was nice and just right for you.

Today was sunny, bright and perfect for an adventure!

Moomin had come over earlier in the day and invited you out when you were done reading, (you really loved your books) and when you gently shut your book and slipped it back onto the tiny shelf, you were startled by a small knock on your door.
Opening it revealed non other than...stinky?
Standing there, smiling weirdly,

"Hey (y/n)! Moomin asked me to come get you! For the eh- latest adventure! Cmon!" You were suspicious, but Moomin had mentioned something about Stinky coming around more often, your boyfriend thought growing up a bit made Stinky less of a bully and said something about giving him a chance.
Despite your caution, you gave a simple nod and stepped back into your house,

"Be out in a sec! Gotta grab my bag!" You pulled some things together like your knife, snacks, water canister and a smaller book just Incase, but you wondered, why would Moomin send Stinky and not get you himself like he said he would?

He had told you on multiple occasions what horrible things that stinky had done, like when he tried to trick the new neighborhood kids into legit jumping off a cliff or when he trapped an abused girl in a small hole.

So, obviously, you were a little skeptical in his intentions and wondered if Moomin really trusted Stinky that much already.
Putting aside your nerves, you opened your door again and saw Stinky sitting on a fallen tree a few feet away,

"Finally! You take too long! Let's go, moomin is waiting!" Once again suspicious, you gave a short nod and shut the door to your shack, before quickly following after the weirdly fast stinky.
It took maybe fifteen minutes before you realized something was wrong, you'd been walking for longer then what it took to get to the moomin house.
Once you realized that, it came to light you hadn't even been going in the right direction!
You were too focused on keeping an eye on stinky himself that you hadn't realized he was taking you further and further out to the fields,

"Stinky, we walked past moomin house like- ten minutes ago! What are you planning?" He looked back at you, as you were still following him,

"Are you going to answer me or just sta- AH!" You screamed as something wrapped around your foot and hoisted you into the air, dangling you about seven feet off the ground.
You heard stinky cackle manically below you and you resisted the urge to growl,

"STINKY GET ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" He laughed harder and looked up at you, wiping away an invisible tear,

"Ahaha! This is too good! What are you going to do if I don't let you down? You don't really look like the type to be making any threats! Hahaha!" You dangled there, staring in disbelief as he scattered away,

"UGGGGH! STINKYYYYYYYYY!" Growling out a huff, you snatched your bag from your shoulder, unbuttoning it and taking out your knife, how hurt would you get falling head first into the dirt?
You didn't really care, you were just so angry at Stinky, so you grabbed your bound ankle and started sawing at the rope.
When it finally snapped, you fell into the dirt- face first.

Sitting up with a groan, your cheek started to bruise up from the impact.
Your arms were covered in grass and dirt smudges and your pants actually ripped at the knees when you fell, how?

No idea, but they did.

You stood up and grabbed your belongings, before running in the direction stinky did, hoping it was the direction of moomin house, or at least someone's house.

The outskirts of the forest were shown to you in the distance, letting you sigh in relief, Moomin's house was just in the distance!

A smile made it's way to your face at the thought of Moomin as you ran towards his house.
You saw little my, snorkmaiden, moomin, sniff, snufkin and- stinky?!

They were all sitting on the front porch and you could overhear stinky blabbing on about something, probably how he couldn't find you or how you'd decided to not show up for that day's adventure,

"HEY STINKY!!" You were always good at grasping attention.
Everyone looked at you in surprise, stinky whipping around in fear,

"Hey (y/n)! W-when did you get here?" A glare shut him up as your feet brought you to him, glaring down,

"Why would you do that stinky?! I could've gotten seriously hurt by that little stunt of yours!" Moomin and Snufkin had quickly stood to inspect your obvious injuries, Moomin inspecting your bruising face where the ugly dark colors started running up your nose while Snufkin applied pressure with a cloth to your stinging and dripping knees,

"(Y/n), did he do this to you?" You nodded angrily at Snufkin's question, not breaking eye contact with your attacker,

"He hung me upside down by a rope in the middle of the woods! that little hairball!" Stinky shrunk down and immediately scurried off, knowing he'd been caught.
That growl you'd been holding back finally came to light, but to stop you from giving chase, moomin grabbed your face in a gentle hold.
He rubbed over the bruise and let you relax into his hands, it was comforting and you knew moomin and snufkin would do something about all that had happened.

of course they did, doing the same to him he did to you.

End! :3 sorry there wasn't a lot of seen moomin, I just really don't like stinky :(

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