Snufkin headcanons

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((Keep in mind that these are just MY headcanons, if you don't agree then that is completely fine! I would love feedback and ideas for future chapters, but please be nice, thank you!))

Snufkin headcanons!

Fur grows on the back of his hands and his fingernails are naturally sharp.

All his teeth besides his molars are very sharp.

He has this very thin tail that has a scruffy patch of fur at the end of it, he hates it.

All the plants that sit on the base of his hat were gifts from moomin.

You could never convince me that he is anything other than pansexual.

I feel like he also doesn't really care for labels though, gender and sexuality wise.

He dates who he likes and doesn't really care what pronouns you use for him.


He's the kind of guy to pick up a spider with a cup and piece of paper and release it outside.

He really isn't scared of anything?

Clowns? No. Bugs? No. The ocean? No. Not really afraid of anything.

He hates the feeling of pine sap in his fur.

Gets all clumpy and arejhwkwifdujsjsdj gross.

He definitely has sensory issues, specifically with texture.

He hates oatmeal, grease, soggy cereal, crunchy onions, all that stuff.

He can pack a punch.

Can't keep a plant alive for the life of him.

Bites his nails.

Bites the inside of his mouth.

Bites his knuckles.

Bites everything.

Steals crops from wealthy farmers.

Will gift said stolen produce to people in moomin valley.

He will never tell Moominmama.

Moominmama made his shawl.

Gets tired in the sun, also sneezes when he looks at the sun.

He's like a cat, eyes wide when he's gonna mess stuff up, slits when he's angry/annoyed, about normal size when content or happy.

Knows how to play the harmonica but also
Spoons and pot/pans.

He's a vagabond, what do you expect?

Names anything and everything.

Tooticky and him are very good friends.

Gets flustered easily when it comes to certain people- *cough* moomin *cough*

Can't snap

Can't whistle

CAN roll his R's

Got his harmonica from Joxter and his knife from Mymble

Kind of backwards but it's cute.

Terrorizes park keepers, has to keep the family tradition alive as the eldest son

Younger than Mymble Jr but older than Little my.

Is older than moomin, sniff, little my and stinky.

Younger than snorkmaiden, Mymble Jr and Tooticky.

Middle child over here SHEESH


Probably the most crushed on person in moomin valley

I love him- :3

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