Joxter headcanons!

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((Keep in mind that these are just MY headcanons, if you don't agree then that is completely fine! I would love feedback and ideas for future chapters, but please be nice, thank you!))

Joxter headcanons!

The Joxter is mostly mumrick, he's got some human sprinkled in there, but unlike his son, daughters and most of his many children, ((who are half mymble)), he had two mumrick parents, making him a good 80% mumrick.

His eyes are usually slits, but they go even smaller when angered or scared, while they grow in size when tired, in a state of thought or saddened.

He's got very long, sharp claws that he can't retract or hide, unlike Snufkin, Mymble Jr and Little My, who can.

His hat was a gift from an elderly woman he met in his early vagabond days, he still doesn't know why she gave it to him, but he treasures it.

The little rope around it was a touch added by the Mymble when they were young.

He's got one of those thin, string-like tails with fluff at the end, another trait he gave almost all his children.

The Joxter is a lazy, cunning, teasing mumrick with a knack for thievery and a love of fire.

He's illiterate, he literally can't understand signs, therefore he hates them.

The Joxter hates water, hates being in it, hates baths.

He stinks, but you didn't hear that from me.

He's a vagabond at heart, but no matter where he goes, he always comes back to the Mymble and his children.

They're pretty much the only things he's committed to.

Did I mention he has commitment issues??

Snufkin's harmonica used to be the Joxter's.

Joxter makes sure to teach all his kids how to defend themselves with knives.

Him and Moominpapa have been talking for years even after they stopped traveling together and started families.

Joxter knows how to slow dance, waltz and he integrates dancing when escaping from authority.

Pansexual and proud!!!

Doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to like people for gender, probably cares more about your stance on burning signs.

All his teeth except his molars are sharp, his canines stick out if he smiles wide enough.

He's got thick fur running up the front of his forearms, calves and his chest.

Pointy ears pointy ears pointy ears.

The tips of his ears fade from his hair's brown color into a deep black, he has no idea why.

No thoughts head empty.

His sclera is a pale yellow.

He's got an amazing sense of smell and can see in the dark.

Despite sharing a lot of characteristics with cats, this man can't land on his feet for the life of him.

Look terrifying when Feral like- oh my lord.

((That's everything! If you have any suggestions for headcanons then please suggest in the comments of the request chapter! Thank you!))

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