Mymble jr x female reader

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(This was requested by Snufkinismy_man, thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy!)

You let out a sigh, leaning yourself against a thin birch tree.

You had been wandering for hours, trying to get you mind off the argument you had just had with your older brother.

You and him had both said things you didn't mean, there was angry yelling and ended with you storming out of the house in a huff.

What had that argument even been about?

You couldn't remember, and decided it was probably better that way.

You stared up at the sky, barely able to see it through the thick branches and leaves of the forest.

you sure had wandered far, the trees weren't nearly as thick around your house.

You continued to walk, deciding to see if you could find anyone that could point you in the direction of your town, why?

You were absolutely lost.

Seems like storming off in a huff with eyes clouded in anger wasn't the best idea, now was it?

You reached the edge of the tree line and came upon a large house, like- it was almost a mansion in your eyes.

There were multiple children running around and playing in the grass, all obviously related to each other.

Some had fur paws, most were some form of ginger or brunette, and they all had tiny tails or antennas.

When one noticed you, they all seemed to notice you.

Tons of tiny eyes stared at you rather confused or curious, and you felt incredibly out of place,

"Lost little lady?" You gasped and whipped around in surprise, seeing a lean, feral looking man leaning against the tree nearest to you.

His tail swished behind him as he tipped his red hat up to look at you,

"Um...yeah- yeah I'm lost." He chuckled, deep and gruff,

"I figured, don't really get a lot of folks out here." You nodded, fidgeting with the hem of your jacket, scared out of your mind.

He walked past you and plucked a small child from a wheelbarrow full of potting soil,

"Come inside, I'll see what I can do for you." You hesitated for a moment, but decided that he wouldn't do anything, considering there were so many children- he was probably their father.

You followed him inside, a bit skittish and prepared to dash if need be.

He had you sit at a large dinging table where the walls were covered in family photos and cute pictures of scenery.

The table was mahogany and was laced with pretty table cloths that had obviously been stained and washed more than once.

He sat the child down and dug through the drawer of a smallish cabinet, pulling out a large, folded piece of paper.

He laid it out in front of you,

"Where do ya live?" You looked for a moment before pointing at the mark of your town, a small rose, your town plant.

"You came a long way didn't you? That's a good 2 hours away." You blanked,

"2 hours? I didn't think I was walking for that long..." the man shrugged, but was interrupted by a feminine voice behind you,

"Father, Snufkin- oh, I'm sorry, am i interrupting something?" You turned and laid eyes on the most beautiful woman you had ever seen in your life.

She was maybe a bit taller then you, had long, ginger hair that was tied up in a stylish bun.

Her eyes a deep ocean blue that sparkled when the light hit them perfectly.

She wore a white dress that fell just below her knees, a brown sash tied around her waist and hanging down loosely.

You were star struck.

She was so pretty, so absolutely gorgeous, is this what gay panic was?

"Ah, Mymble Jr, I was just helping this young lady, she got lost." You blushed red and stopped staring, god how rude- how very very rude.

"Oh, I could take her home father, I know these forests very well." The man smiled proudly, puffing out his chest,

"You learned from your old man, here, take my knife and the map, and you'll be fine." Mymble Jr took the map and knife and looked down at you with a sweet smile that made your heart melt.

"Ready to go? We should leave before it gets dark." You nodded,

"Um..yeah, yeah let's go." You stood and thanked the kind man, then followed Mymble Jr out the front door, trying to avoid the eye contact from any of what you assumed was her siblings.

She led you forward before moving to walk beside you,

"So, what's your name?" She was so nice and kind, you felt like you were dying,

" n-name is (y/n), it's nice to meet you.." god you were so incapable of speech right now, you wished god himself would strike you down that very moment.

She nodded,

"That's a nice name (y/n), I'm Mymble Jr, you're from Rosko correct?" You nodded,

"Yeah, I wandered a bit too far, didn't mean to get so lost, I'm sorry." She shook her head with a sweet giggle,

"I get lost sometimes too, the forest is a wonderful place to get lost in, don't you think?" You smiled, feeling warmth gather in your cheeks,

"Yeah, better then in the town square, or somewhere populated." She nodded in agreement, and you both shared a lovely, stutter filled conversation as she led you back to your town.

When you reached the front gates, you sheepishly thanked her for the help,

"It was no problem! You're very lovely company!" You sputtered, she thought you were good company!

She turned and waved goodbye,

"You should visit sometime! I'd love to see you again!" Before you could answer, she was out of sight as she entered the forest,

You knew you were in love.

((Something short and sweet, hope you liked it! :3))

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