Joxter x fem reader -Little red riding hood-

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((This chapter was requested by BLAHBLASTSTAMPYCAT12! Thank you so much for the request and have a nice day!))

As a young girl your mother told you to never stray too far from the path, as strange things roamed the brush and thorns of the shaded acres.
She spoke of things with fierce claws and striking eyes, matted fur and evil laughter, things that honestly gave you nightmares.

Now a young woman, your mother was long gone and you still walked that very path, it being long and mostly small rocks, constantly lit up by the sun.
Recently, you had been feeling quite unnerved by the path, like you weren't the only person there as the memories of your mother's stories rattled around in your brain.
It was an early morning when you discovered your lack of many important items; sugar, flour, milk, butter, basically most things you needed to make proper meals.
So, tugging on your signature cloak, you threw on your boots, grabbed your basket and started down the unsettling path.

You jumped at every skitter of squirrels, every pinecone that fell to the brush, every branch that cracked just the slightest bit.
You had rattled yourself with mere stories that might've not even been real, in all reality, your mother was probably just scaring you so you didn't wander into the forest and get lost.
You couldn't help the chills that ran down your spine and the feeling of eyes on you at every turn, but you trudged on-

Until there was a man blocking your way.

He was a bit taller than you were and had a stringed tail that slowly swished behind him, eyes covered by the hat that strangely matched your cloak, a dull red, worn and loved.
You grew nervous, thinking it would be better to just turn and leave and come back later, but he looked up right as you took a step back,

"Well- if it isn't little red!" You quirked an eyebrow, growing progressively more paranoid,

"What? How do you-" the man snickered a mischievous noise, turning to fully face you and stepping a bit closer, canines showing through as his hat tipped back enough to show his full face.
His sclera was yellow while his pupils were just thin slits that you felt were seeing right through you.

"How do I what? Know your nickname?" Fists now clenched, you stood your ground with a stern scowl,

"Yeah, I would've recognized you if you were some- strange family friend.
I don't, so who are you and how do you know the nickname my mother gave me?" The man rolled his eyes, that stupid smile still plastered on his stupid face,

"My father told me all about you two when I was a child, about how your mother made him out to be some sort of monster." He stepped close enough to you that you had to look up at him to make eye contact, your scowl gone and replaced with fear,

"Wait- those stories were real?" The man laughed, placing a mumrick paw on your shoulder, his claws making you nervous,

"Of course not! My father and your mother just hated each other, she was probably just trying to keep you away from us." You brushed his hand off your shoulder, frown coming back full force,

"She must've had a good reason, mother wasn't very strict, the path was the only thing she ever really was strict about." The man rolled his eyes once more, gently taking your hand in his,

"How about we finally meet? I'm the Joxter, it's a pleasure to meet you." He brought your hand to his lips and your cold exterior melted like ice in the sun.
He was being sweet, he gave you no reason to not trust him, he seemed like he was trying- so why not?

"Well...I guess there's no harm you a chance, I'm (Y/n)." He let go of your hand and started walking,

"Come along little red, I'll show you everything in the forest you've missed out on." A smile was brought to your face as your worries were washed away,

"Alright." You followed him, finally leaving the path, leaving all your fears behind.

Moomin oneshots/headcanons!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora