Snufkin x fem, Lost reader

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((This was requested by DWTDfangirl! Thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy!))

You didn't really like to admit it, it was something you were always going to be embarrassed about- especially as a traveler.

Your sense of direction was nonexistent.

You barely knew your right from left and you got all your directions mixed up.
Maps were impossible to comprehend and compasses never seemed to work properly when sitting in your hands.
You often found yourself in strange and unfamiliar places and while being a traveler involved getting a little lost and discovering something new, this was becoming ridiculous.

How did you end up in a valley while looking for a city?!

The grass was green, the sky was the clearest of blues, the wind was silent as no whispers traveled.
You needed directions- or maybe some prayers if you were ever going to get where you'd originally planned.

Where had you messed up this time?

Pulling your map back out, you scanned the roads unfamiliar to you before an embarrassing realization hit you like a sprinting horse,

You had your map upside down the whole time.

"Ugh- not again! This is how I ended up is Salenisina and not Delmore!" You flopped down into the grass beneath you, letting your map slap down next to you with a defeated sigh.
You stuffed your face into your hands, grumbling to yourself, you'd have to figure out where you were, backtrack, stay on the road this time and then you'd make it to the city.

As much as you loved traveling, that sounded a bit much for you right now.

"Pardon me, I hate to bother you, but are you alright?" Your head snapped up to the sound of someone talking, their feminine voice sounding worried.
Looking up to your left was a tall, white furred, blonde haired...well you didn't exactly know what she was-

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'm alright." You pushed yourself to your feet and brushed off your clothes, a bit embarrassed that she witnessed your moping,

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before! I'm snorkmaiden!" You smiled, politely nodding to her,

"Well- I actually got lost, I'm (y/n), where exactly am I?" Snorkmaiden giggled, putting a hand over her mouth in a small effort to be polite,

"You're in Moominvalley! It's nice to meet you! Follow me, Snufkin and Moominpapa know a ton of stuff about maps, maybe they can help you!" You snatched up your map before she led you around the valley, through tall grass, over a bridge and through a nice garden before approaching a tall, blue and red home.
There were more...snorks? moomins? Sitting on the front porch of the home, one with a top hat, one with an apron and one with glasses,

"Moominpapa! I found this lost traveler by the forests edge! Can you and Snufkin help her?" The one you now knew as Moominpapa stood with a sense of pride, clearing his throat and straightening his top hat,

"Why- of course young Snorkmaiden! What's your name friend?" You smiled nervously, gently clutching the ends of your shawl in an attempt to calm your nerves, map crinkling in your slight grip,

"My name's (Y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you sir." Moominpapa chuckled, putting his paws on his hips,

"Just call me Moominpapa, let me see that map of your's." You handed the map over to him, letting him lay it out and scan it over, but his grumbling sounded confused.
After five minutes of his confused face and muffled grumblings, two new people stepped onto the front porch,

"Oh! Who's this snorkmaiden?" A creature who looked just like snorkmaiden but without the blonde bangs stood next to a mumrick clad in green.
The mumrick and you made eye contact and it's like something clicked in your fizzled out brain, this guy was stupidly cute- unfairly so.

Your face flushed and you quickly averted your gaze to the...Snork? Moomin? Next to the mumrick,

"This is (Y/n!) they got lost and stumbled into Moomin valley, Moominpapa is looking at their map- but I don't think he's getting it either." The last part came out as a whisper, making the- okay, you were assuming Moomin, giggle into his paws.

"It's nice to meet you (Y/n)! I'm moomin and this is Snufkin!" You gave them both a friendly smile before Snufkin made his way over to the table your map sat on, quickly scanning it over before pointing at something,

"That's moominvalley right there, where are you trying to go?" You stepped beside Snufkin to point at the star on the map, the city of Leonopei, a beautiful capital.
Snufkin hummed, tugging a pen from seemingly nowhere and quickly swiping a thin line on your map,

"That's your path, make sure to hold it upright, you can use the compass directions on the corner to know if you're holding it the right way or not, north will always be on top." You smiled and gently picked up your map, looking at the line he drew before gently folding the paper and shoving it back in your shawl pocket,

"Thank you so much for your help, I'm not the best with directions." The moomin with the apron put a gentle paw on your shoulder, radiating motherly affection,

"Why don't you stay for dinner? We could always have another at our table." Your stomach answered for you with an embarrassingly loud rumble.
Everyone, including yourself; burst into fits of different toned laughter, ranging in quiet chuckles to loud cackles,

"I'll take that as a yes, come inside." Moominmama lead you into their home with almost everyone trailing behind- apart from an embarrassed Moominpapa and the Snork, who stayed on the porch to speak.
Dinner was lovely and everyone was kind and a delight to talk to.

That's when you decided to stay for a bit.

You hadn't meant to stay as long as you did, a few weeks maybe sleeping in the Moomin's guest bedroom.
You didn't know what was keeping you there, maybe it was how beautiful the valley was, how nice the residents were, or maybe-

"Oh, hello Snufkin." The mumrick had seated himself next to you where you sat on the cliff's edge.
He tilted his hat away from his face and leaned back on his palms, watching the clouds with a look that sputtered life into the butterfly's in your stomach.

Snufkin and you had been dancing around each other sense you'd gotten there, consisting of shy looks and conversations that flustered you to no end.
Many times he'd pull his hat over his face, but you were happy to see his kind smile today,

"Hello (Y/n), you seemed to be in deep thought, is something troubling you?" Shrugging your shoulders, you turned back to look down at the ground far below you,

"Not particularly, I just- I want to be an adventurer, but I feel I've gotten too attached to this place.
Everyone is so kind and this place is so beautiful, I know I'll have to leave soon, but I'm loathing the thought." Snufkin snickered, shifting upward to place a gentle hand on your shoulder,

"I understand completely, us vagabonds aren't supposed to have attachments or really stay in one place for long, but I always find myself in moomin valley come spring time." Your feet swung, the wind was as gentle as the hand that slowly lifted your chin, snufkin's dark eyes staring back into your own big ones,

"And I could get used to coming back to you." You stopped, breath hitching in an unfinished gasp, had he really-?
Heat traveled to your face, you had to say something! Anything!

"You mean it?" It came out as a whisper, shocked and hopeful.
The mumrick nodded, letting his hand fall back to his own side,

"I do." You both sat on that cliff side, something magical and innocent blooming between the two of you.

You just hoped it wasn't temporary.

((Sorry it took me so long to post this! With a mix of writers block and getting over being sick, I really haven't been motivated.
Thank you so much for your patience and have a nice day!))

Moomin oneshots/headcanons!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें