Little my headcanons!

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((Keep in mind that these are just MY headcanons, if you don't agree then that is completely fine! I would love feedback and ideas for future chapters, but please be nice, thank you!))

Little my headcanons!

Little my is half mymble and half mumrick, like- 50/50 while Snufkin is mostly mumrick and Mymble jr is mostly Mymble.

She's the third born and hates it.

Retractable claws, but honestly her claws are more like sewing needles.

Doesn't have any fur anywhere besides on the end of her string tail.

Has many MANY bows and has one for every occasion.

She's very nosy for a reason, she feels like no one ever tells her anything as the third born, she has many younger siblings, but she's still seen as one of the babies of the family and she feels like people sugar coat things with her.

She's stubborn, sarcastic, blunt and feels the need to put people who deserve it in their place.

A very balanced mix of the Joxter and the Mymble.

I see her as a cis female and lesbian and I feel like she went through a faze where she thought she NEEDED to like boys, which in turn made her a bit miserable because she wasn't being who she was.

She knows how to knit, weave baskets and can make a mean batch of cookies all thanks to Moominmama.

The Joxter and her have a strained relationship due to how bad their personalities clash.

My ran away from home and lives with Mymble jr instead because of this.

My will never admit it, but she cares about her friends and family a lot and is very scared of them getting sick of her attitude.

If you take her hair down, it goes down to her shoulders, is a bit scruffy and she has some long bangs on the left side of her face.

Would absolutely end your bloodline if you touched her friends or family.

Hates admitting Snufkin is her brother.

Easily jealous.

Hates admitting that Mymble jr is her sister.

Hates admitting she has siblings in general.

Is a lot older then she looks, she just got the short gene from Joxter.

She has the Joxter's eyes.

Slightly pointed ears that give her above-average hearing.

Hates spiders and will freak out if she sees one.

Has very very tiny canines that stick out when she smiles wide enough.

Has Mymble antennas sticking out of her forehead, but they're very small.

She's a bit of a menace.

Has had multiple crushes on Snorkmaiden, basically she'd get a crush on her, lose feelings, then regain those feelings not too soon after.


She loves mud.

Is one of four people in Moomin valley who can willingly stay awake during the winter, is one of three who won't get sick.

Talks in her sleep.

Snores, but not super loudly.

My doesn't really have any gripes with the Mymble, but their relationship is still strained sense she ran away.

The Mymble and Joxter know My is okay due to Mymble jr sending them letters about her well being.

My knows nothing of this, but she'd probably put on a facade of being mad if she knew, when she'd actually be appreciative that her parents aren't worrying over her.

She's pretty chill.

Thinks Sniff is a huge baby, but does try to quell her tall friend's anxiety when he gets overwhelmed.

We love Little my in this household.

Moomin oneshots/headcanons!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora