Snufkin x sick moomin!

365 10 2

((Requested by WindowGenie678! Thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy!))

((Also sense it's the season, this is gonna be in the fall months, because fall and winter are superior. :3))


Legit the only word to describe how Moomin was feeling.

His head pounded and made him squeeze his eyes shut to try and relieve some of the pain- to no avail.

His stomach hurt uncomfortably, making him curl up in his bed to once again try, (and fail) to relieve some of the horrible feeling.

He felt drowsy and light headed, hot but shaking like he was Incased in ice.

He couldn't breath through his nose because of how congested he was, opting to lightly breath through his mouth.

"Uggggh...." he sat up slowly and thought for a moment, trying to scramble something together through his sickly fog.

"Snufkin's leaving soon.." he frowned and slumped back down into bed, of course he had to get sick right before Snufkin was to leave!

"You know what?" He threw the blanket off of himself and stood up, putting his paws on his hips,

"I'll be fine! It's just a cold, I'll just spend time with Snufkin and relax when I can!" He smiled to himself about his obviously genius plan.

He patted down some of his messy fur before making his way downstairs and out the front door.

"Oh hello Moomin!" He looked over and saw his mother, she was potting the rest of her flowers from spring so she could bring them inside.

"Hello mama! I'm gonna go hang out with-" he broke into a small coughing fit,

"Snufkin!" Moominmama obtained a concerned look,

"Are you alright sweetly? That sounds like an awful cough!" Moomin shook his head, brushing off his mother,

"I'm fine mama! Just some fall allergies is all!" Moominmama accepted that answer, still wearing that worried look,

"Alright...I think I saw Snufkin head for the forest, why don't you go catch up?" Moomin smiled and started trotting off, fearing that if he ran too fast he'd throw up.

"Thanks mama! Bye!" Once he finally made it out of his mother's gaze, he breathed heavy for air and wheezed, ugh.

Walking through the forest, moomin searched for Snufkin to the best of his abilities, maybe he should have stayed home?


He had to see Snufkin just a bit longer before he left!

He couldn't waste the small amount of time he had left!

It's not like Snufkin was never coming back, but it still made his heart ache every time he saw him walk down that path and disappear beyond the tree line.

The soft sound of music fluttered through the air, leading Moomin to where a boy clad in green was.

It was Snufkin, his feet dipped into the stream before him with his shoes laid messily beside him.

When Moomin walked out, the music paused, snufkin turning to peek at him.

He suddenly became conscious of his still messy fur and bloodshot eyes, he hoped snufkin couldn't see through him.

He probably already had.

"Moomin...are you alright? You seem unwell.." snufkin stood, moving forward so he could hold moomin's face in his hands.

"I'm alright, it's just a small cold." Moomin lied through his teeth, not wanting to worry his best friend.

"It seems worse than that, you look like the dead." Moomin laughed a wheezy sound, breaking into a small coughing fit.

"I promise, I'm fine!"

Snufkin didn't believe that answer.

Snufkin kept moomin close, kept him away from harm's way, and steered clear of any activities that could over-exert his sickly friend.

Sitting on the beach, picking flowers, looking for bird feathers, anything simple to keep moomin from blacking out.

Moomin insisted he was fine, that he wanted to spend time with Snufkin, so despite Snufkin knowing his blatant lies, he let him do what he pleased.

He'd trick him into going home if it got too bad.

If he didn't black out first.

"Snufkin, can you play your harmonica?" They both sat next to the crackling fire, their features illuminated by the heated light.

"Of course, any requests?" Snufkin put the harmonica to his lips, giving moomin a friendly side-eye, waiting for an answer.

"Your favorite.." of course.

The music played through the fall wind, melted through the flames and tangled in moomin's fur.

He laid back into the damp grass and felt the music pile atop his eyelids, he'd be content this way, sleeping to the sound of his love's art.

Snufkin finished and gave a sigh, his sickly love fast asleep and unconscious, finally giving his own body a rest.

Carried to bed in moomin house and snuggly tucked in, Snufkin pressed his slightly dry lips to the moomin's forehead, patting down the fur atop his head that was never attempted to be fixed.

"I shall see you in the morn, sleep well dear moomin." Snufkin strutted out of the house with quiet ease, back to his tent, content knowing his sick love was safe in bed.

He'd have to talk to moominmama tomorrow.

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