Snufkin x scared, nonbinary reader

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There was a storm on the horizon, you could feel it in the depths of your bones.

The sky in the distance was littered with dark clouds that glared at you the closer they approached.

The wind picked up and flew your hair and shawl around as anxiety pooled in your stomach.

You had to get to Moomin house.

There was no way you were spending the night alone in the woods with this storm coming.

Not again.

You ran and ran, your boots slapping into the soon to be soaked earth.

Your lungs begged you to stop as they burned, your legs aching and threatening to give out when you didn't slow yourself.

You saw the familiar red and blue house upon the horizon and pushed yourself forward, dashing onto the porch.

You hadn't even knocked, just slamming the door open than scrambling to shut it, succeeding in slipping and falling to the ground.

The door to the kitchen opened quickly, a concerned Moominmama peeking her head out,

"Oh my! (Y/n)! Was that you just now?" You nodded, feeling sheepish for causing so much noise,

"Yes, terribly sorry Moominmama, I...slipped." You weren't exactly lying, just not telling her everything.

She didn't need to know.

She huffed and proceeded to help you to your feet, Brushing dust from your old shawl,

"Be more careful please, everyone is in the kitchen, would you like to eat with us?" An enthusiastic nod was all she needed to bring you to the table and sit you down.

The dinner was wonderful, making conversation with The moomin family, Little my and Snufkin as you munched away.

A crack of thunder and a flash outside caught you all off guard, everyone gasping a bit at the sound of winds and crackling sky's.

"Oh my, I hadn't realized a storm was on the way..." Moominmama hummed, plucking all of your empty plates from the table.

"I'll say! That was loud!" Little my crossed her arms, glaring at the window as if her mere discontent could frighten the storm.

"Everyone should stay inside, we don't need anyone getting caught in something like this." Moominmama had put her foot down and you'd be forever grateful.


You were set up in moomin's room with Snufkin, All three of you were sitting and talking, not exactly ready to sleep.

"I saw the clouds earlier, but they hadn't looked so bad.." Snufkin sat by Moomin's windowsill, watching the rain fall through the glass.

You couldn't help but watch him, he was always so...perfect.

So helpful, polite, smart, though could be reckless and cause trouble if he wanted to.

He'd always been so kind to you, you thought there was a chance he liked you the same way you liked him.

The flirty comments and the longing stares had to mean something, Right?

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