Feral snufkin x moomin

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(Requested by CloveTheKitten)

Moomin was super confused.

The past couple weeks had been an unexpected change for Snufkin, things changing with his body that he was completely ignorant to.
You see; Mumricks go through a phase in their early adult years where they become very anxious and angry, where their body is developing and growing to protect them.
The side affects of these changes could be instincts being incredibly heightened, developing certain attributes like sharp claws or teeth in exchange for their duller ones and even their hearing or seeing becoming enhanced.
The nerves near their fur become stronger, reacting with emotions and reactions, becoming overprotective of the things and people they care about.
It wasn't like puberty, Snufkin knew what that was like, his body was changing on its own, but it was different.
Snufkin felt he could hear every sound and every taste was heightened, he no longer liked salt as a result.
Moomin was confused when his best friend started becoming extremely clingy, snapping at sniff and snorkmaiden on more then one occasion, consistently having him close by.
He held his hand or stood next to him when he could, giving cold glares to anyone daring enough to come near, it was all a big, weird mess, mostly due to no one really knowing what was going on.


Except for moominmama.

She had been introduced to the joxter back in her youth, he was a bit of a flirt with more cat attributes then he would ever admit to and was the type of man who couldn't commit to staying in the same place for long.
He had a family now, over 30 children and a beautiful wife, one of those many children being Snufkin himself.
The point though is Moominmama watched The joxter go through the same process, being snappy and agitated, especially when people came near the Mymble.

"Mama, something weird has been going on with snufkin.." moominmama had known about snufkin's behavior long before moomin had came to her about the issue.
She then spent all afternoon informing moomin that what was happening was natural, and that Snufkin would return to his normal behavior soon enough.
Snufkin wasn't a very touchy person normally, but now he seemed uncomfortable by the mere thought of not being near Moomin, spending more and more nights from his tent and inside moomin house.
Moomin wasn't complaining, knowing from what Moominmama had told him that this was normal behavior for him, he was actually kind of flattered that Snufkin's instincts called to keep Moomin safe and nearby.
Snufkin hoped that it would pass and he'd be back to normal soon, so he could stop with all the embarrassing behavior he was displaying, but in a strange way, Moomin hoped it would last.

((Sorry it was kind of short, but I hope you liked it! :) ))

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