Tooticky x female reader

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It was the middle of winter, flurries of ice slowly fluttered around you, covering your thick coat and hair in beautiful, white snow.
You were laying on the ground, having sunk into the snow a good inch or so, it was very therapeutic.

"Hello ma'am, are you alright?" Your eyes snapped open, seeing someone standing above you.
A mumrick with short, blonde hair that complemented their big, blue eyes stood there with a look of worry, crouched slightly to be closer to the ground and in turn, to you.

"Oh! Um- Yeah! I'm okay! just laying in the snow, it's nice!" You smiled and sat up on your forearms, tilting your head to get a better look at them,

"Wanna lay with me?" She thought for a moment before plopping down next to you, successfully sinking into the snow as you did,

"I'd love to." Your eyes sparkled like diamonds, a new friend!

"I'm (y/n)! It's great to meet you! Do you wanna be friends?!" Her eyes widened, she hadn't expected you to be so happy about this interaction, but she thought it was cute,

"I'm tooticky, it's a pleasure." She put out her hand and you firmly shook it before plopping back down into the white fluff on the ground.
She slowly laid down next to you and you peered over at her, watching as she stared up at the sky with snow landing on her cheeks like they did yours.
You felt the snow melt on your face at the heat that consumed it, she was really,

"pretty" Tooticky looked to you, wondering if she has misheard,

"Did you say something?" You squeaked and jolted up,

"Nope! Nothing! Nothing at all! I think I hear my sister calling me! Bye!" You quickly stood and ran off, leaving tooticky to sit up confused and think about how you accidentally called her pretty.


It had been maybe an hour sense you met tooticky, you had just completely embarrassed yourself and you didn't even have any family that lived in Moomin valley!
You groaned and walked into your cave, a dark place you had turned into your home, having installed a door soon after you moved in.
You hung plants from the ceiling and carved out shelving in the walls, creating your own home away from home.
you lived on the edge of the ocean so you could easily fish, it was also super pretty and a calming atmosphere.

Collapsing onto your hammock, you groaned into your pillow, a fool!

You were a fool!

You eventually raised yourself from your wish-to-be forever prison to spare you the embarrassment and changed into your pajamas, drying your hair with a towel.

How long had you laid in the snow?

No idea!

You thought that maybe fishing would help you clear your head, but opening your door startled you, screaming as you were suddenly face to face with an unexpected person.
You stumbled back, falling on the ground before whipping your gaze upwards, but you were not fazed with a stranger, it was Tooticky!
You both stared for a moment before Tooticky quickly helped you up,

"Ah! My apologies! I didn't mean to startle you!" She picked up the towel you had dropped and gently placed it in your hands,

"It's okay, I just didn't expect anyone! What're you doing here?" Tooticky nervously scratched the back of their neck, looking away with a bashful look,

"I've seen you around, I just saw you laying in the snow and wanted to meet you finally, you ran off though so, I kinda followed you? I guess? Mostly your footprints.." you smiled and held out your hand slightly,

"Want some tea? It's cold..." she took your hand and interlocked your fingers with hers,

"I'd love to." You pulled her in and she shut the door behind her, you knew then, you were in love.

((Cheesy I know! But I LOVE tookticky and there isn't much about her I can find! :3))

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