The Joxter x nonbinary reader part 2!

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((A part 2 to the original, "Joxter x non-binary reader" chapter was requested by Despair-idiot-lucky, thank you so much for the request and i hope you enjoy!))

((WARNING! Light Mentions of violence, abuse and blood in this chapter, please be warned and do not read if those topics make you uncomfortable! Have a nice day!))

Great. Just great.

Another day of adventuring turned out to be another day you had gotten yourself into trouble.
The Joxter and you had decided to head into a dusty old town to "shop" for supplies as your trip down south was much more taxing then you had both expected.
However, you'd both been oblivious to your names spreading across the land of the east, so now everyone in a ten mile radius saw you guys as criminals, over abundance of wanted posters and all.

They weren't wrong, but it was inconvenient.

The people immediately recognized you guys and you were both swiftly chased down, the Joxter had escaped, you had not.
There really wasn't much the Joxter could've done, but you knew he'd come for you like you'd done so for him in the past.

That made you smile, even while locked inside a dingy, cold jail cell.
That was actually how the two of you met, back when you were an upstanding citizen of the law and lived such a dreary and boring life that you couldn't even imagine going back to it now.
The Joxter had been tearing up signs around your village, you had been so excited that something besides baking tasteless bread was happening, the town had been in complete uproar.
You may or may not have hunted him down, he expected a fight, but you were just so happy to meet him, it was startling.
You both met night after night to converse and soon enough you both became friends, but soon he'd been arrested during a night of rampage sign-destroying, so you broke him out of jail.
He asked you to run off with him to explore the world together and you had happily accepted.

This wasn't your first rodeo with the law, not by a long shot, but these guys were...well they weren't the upstanding cops you'd dealt with before.
Usually they'd lock you up, give you some dinner, leave you be and question you the next day with a bit of light scolding.
These guys wouldn't leave you alone, they were violent and banged on the bars to try and provoke you, they also threw your food through the slot at the bottom of the door and it went everywhere, so much for eating.
Exhausted, hungry and freezing, you stayed calm and waited for your love to arrive, you missed him and wanted out of here.
When the familiar feeling of being watched hit you, you jumped up eagerly to stand on your bed, peering out the small barred window near the ceiling of the cell,

"Joxter!" The one and only cat man himself was crouched down in front of your window, but his simple grin turned to one of worry, face downcast,

"Love? Are you alright?" He took your hand through the metal keeping the two of you apart and intertwined your fingers with his claws,

"I'm fine, these guys are crooked, more then the normal cops we encounter, they've been keeping me up for hours." You were honestly exhausted, trembling from the cold and on the verge of tears.
The Joxter's eyes shifted to deep slits as a rumble of anger started up in his throat, his voice coming out so calm it was startling,

"Have they touched you?" You shook your head, watching him un-tense just the slightest bit,

"Apart from getting dragged here, no, they haven't even come in, they just bang on the bars and yell at me." You turned to look at your pile of floor-covered food,

"And I didn't really get to eat..." He brought your hand to his lips, kissing your calloused knuckles,

"I'll get you out, I promise, stay strong for me love and when I get you out you can rest, alright?" You nodded, smiling lovingly,

"I can't wait to kiss you..." Joxter's eyes went big and his cheeks flushed, chuckling against your hand,

"I love you." Reaching out, you cupped his scruffy face, adoring the way he leaned into your touch,

"I love you too." With that, he let you go and skittered away, what he was planning?
You had no clue, but you didn't dwell on it, he'd get you out.
You sat back down on your cot and laid back, eyes feeling heavy, but another guard whacked the bars with a cane, startling you awake again and causing a fresh well of tears in your eyes.

The guard laughed cruelly and walked off, leaving you to curl around yourself in the cold.

"Who- Who the hell are you?!"

"Who let this feral thing inside!? Arrest him!"

"He's going towards the prisoner's cell! Wha- hey! My keys!" You smiled and sprung up, holding onto the bars of your cage as Joxter ran up and quickly unlocked your cell,

"Joxter!" He smirked, panting, but not quite done yet,

"Hey love! Let's go!" He took your hand and ran for the back exit, but a looming figure suddenly blocked your path,

"You're both under arrest for destruction of property, trespassing and resisting an officer! Turn yourselves in or I'll have to use force!" The Joxter, not one to listen to anyone but you sometimes, pulled out his switchblade.
The officer pulled out his weird cane-thing and swung it down, aiming for the Joxter, but as he dodged the attack, a different cane flew down and smacked you right in the face.

A second officer had come out of nowhere and as you stumbled back with tears and what you assumed was blood dripping down your face, the Joxter let out the most feral, terrifying sound you'd ever heard and jumped the officer who injured you.
The two of you escaped out the back exit, leaving behind two disheveled, injured officers.

The woods were calmer then the police station, welcoming you and your love with open arms with soft sounds of rustling leaves and the splash of running water.
Stopping at a river's edge, your body finally gave up on you, crumpling to the forest floor in a heap.
Joxter sat beside you, gently taking your face into his aching hands,

"By the gods, I'm so sorry (Y/n), I should have protected you better, I-" he paused as your eyes peered into his, confused and exhausted,

"Get some rest love, I'll take care of you." The back of your head met his legs and you were out like a light.

"By the sea shore they may lie.."

"The innocent left awry.."

"Messengers left before.."

"Behind the innocents of war.." a familiar tune washed over you, putting you into a sense of ease and comfortability.
You were warm and coddled close to who just by feeling, you knew was the Joxter.
He had hummed the tune on many long walks and quiet nights, a song from his more youthful travels that he'd sing if you were troubled.
A clawed hand traced shapes on the back of your neck, a calming reassurance from your love,

"Good morning my love, how are you feeling? Any aches?" You sniffed, your nose hurt a bit, but you felt fine, opening your eyes granted you a sight you'd never get tired of seeing,

"Are you okay?" Joxter laughed and leaned back a bit to peck your nose,

"I'm quite fine, I was just worried." You laughed and hugged him tight, clinging to the fabric of his shirt,

"I'm tougher than I look!" The Joxter clung back, snuggling back deep into your shoulder, a rumble emerging from his chest as a clear purr.
No response, but you were alright with that.

You were safe with him.

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