Chapter Five

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"Where it all began."

I dedicate this chapter to my friend who always boozes me with her crackhead-chaotic energy. Thank you, Mari.

Chapter Five OST - 'Ride 'Em On Down' by The Rolling Stones.


DrunkBoots Night Bar and Restaurant, seven and a half years ago.

The vicious, pounding guitar strums that screamed 1900's rock resonated along the hardwood panelled walls encircling the semi-luxurious interior of the bar, causing Reyna's head to pulse even worse with each passing second that the music wrenched out like snakes above the cold floor beneath her shiny red heels.

Why didn't the live jazz band play tonight, out of all nights?

Her weary eyes were casted dully at the glistening shot of whiskey on her hand, watching as the light golden liquid gently rippled to the rhythm of the guitar.

Her mind, dried and void of emotions, was still trying to swallow the events that happened two hours prior upon arriving at the bar. She still couldn't move on pass her shock at how her father had suddenly announced her take-over as the chairman at their IT Tech company, which she clearly had stated she had no interest or passion in.

To make matters worse, the failing company desperately needs a joined force for income, and his strategic plan to save it?

Was to set up his only daughter for marriage, to the heir of his long time business competitor, Roy Ashfield of T-Tech inc. Just so he could selfishly take down Roy when the right time comes.

Her fist clenched harder on the crystal glass before she took another sharp shot down her throat, trailing a ring of fire that burnt throughout her chest. She observed the shelves of alcohol bottles unfocused, as her visions started to cloud lightly with hazy stars.

No, I can't lose to this drink just yet. I need to warn Roy, and hopefully, some unknown miracle blessed us that he'll agree to not marry me as well.

Last time she heard, he's dating someone else. Which is very good news.

Reyna wiped her eyes harshly in an attempt to sober up, her sharp nails were threatening to poke her eye at doing so. She desperately needed her mind to be clear, so she would be ready to confront her future 'Set-Up' beau.

Although she had no idea how to contact Roy. They never even met.

"Are you okay?" A voice spoke up from beside her.

She whipped her head so fast at the voice in surprise and instantly regretted it. A soft groan escaped her lips as she squeezed her eyes shut. She lifted her palm to press a slight pressure on her forehead as the headache worsen.

"I am, yeah. Don't worry about it." Reyna replied curtly, not bothering to look at the stranger as she opened her eyes heavily to catch the disinterested bartender's attention, "Hi, can I please get another fill? Add gin in this time, instead of rum."

The bartender gave her a look that said 'This is your sixth glass, are you for real?' but as a professional, he nodded instead and set the glass he's been wiping for hours onto the bartop, before heading to the shelves in search for the perfect poison combo to label his customer's complicated mood perfectly, or in some nasty scenario, intensify it.

Reyna buried her face on her palm as she sighed heavily, shifting her sitting position tipsily on the bar stool that started to numb her buttocks from occupying it for far too long.

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