Chapter Two

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"Cut off contact with Reyna. I mean it. Don't expose us both." - Chloe to Liam, two summers prior.

I dedicate this chapter to my friend who has supported me endlessly. Thank you, Simi.

Chapter Two OST - 'Crying Over You' by Honne.


The glittering city of Paris was captured the best when the city came alive at night--- if approximately photographed from the 50th floor of AVA Presidential Suite hotel room, a luxurious stay Liam often resided in like a second home whenever Beatrice tug him along to the city for a commercial ad shoot that took place usually every month.

The dark skies were a bit cloudy with incoming rain, and if it wasn't for the distraught state of his mind, he would be resting next to his fiancé. Just like any other nights, his eyes peeled back to the first paragraph of the local article that wrote about Liberia cafe's grand opening in Northlake seven years ago. He could recite the article words by words in his sleep by now.

The sudden arrival of this nostalgic feelings never failed to take him by surprise, despite the regular occurrence throughout the years since the day he left Northlake. But tonight, the emotions hit him twice as worse, because he was supposed to be celebrating the cafe's anniversary over a game of beer pong and drink late-night conversations with his friends if the situation was differently played out.

He had subtly wondered, if Liberia was doing better now, or worse?

But more accurately, how was Reyna doing?

Instead, he had his laptop propped open on his lap as he sat on the master bed, accompanied by a cart of barely touched Michellin-star meal ordered via room service--- an activity he grew bored of rather quickly upon arriving in the city after five days. As biased as he was about his cooking skills compared to other chefs, he would rather take a drive outside right now for a street stall burger, but that kind of experience no longer was available to him or Beatrice, for that matter. It was almost impossible to even think about strolling freely outside the heavily guarded hotel.

Without bodyguards. Liam sulkily thought.

"Babe, you can make it to the family dinner on Sunday, right?" Beatrice had her head resting on his chest as she scrolled through her social media feed, "Dad has been expecting for you to come. He's so excited for your special grilled salmon." 

"Hm, sure. I got to finish my work fast then." Liam curtly replied as he opened the calendar tab and marked Sunday--- which is two days away, as 'busy' in red. His manager would be notified automatically as well.

"Perfect," Beatrice smiled and texted her parents for the confirmation before her eyes flickered to the news article with curiosity. "Why have you been reading that same news lately? Are you planning to buy that crappy cafe?"

Liam flinched, it snapped him out of his reverie. He almost retorted back to defend Liberia but thought better of it. Instead he just shook his head--- pretending to be amused by her silly statement--- and close the news tab. His ignored task in reviewing the updated new menu popped back on the screen.

"Just scouring locations to open up new branches," Liam muttered the lie fluently, earning an impressed reaction from Beatrice.

"Your restaurant is doing too well here anyways, I agree we need to open more branch for those poor customers that didn't get a seat. I'll contact my PR team and advertise the branch in..." She squeezed her eyes to remember the location, "... Northlake? Myself. It's going to be another hit, baby."

In Five YearsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz