Chapter Six

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"I felt sorry that I met you, you're a monster." - Liam to Chloe.

I dedicate this chapter to my friend who always warms me with her loving, mother-like love and support. Thank you, Amanda (GG).

Chapter Six OST - 'The Days I Loved' by Baek Ji Young.


Present Day, Liberia

The images of their first meeting kept replaying inside her mind, as she sat with her face buried behind her palm numbly, defeated by the silence inside Liberia intensifying with each second that passed.

Where did it all go wrong?

Or, was it doomed from the start?

She sighed heavily as she pours herself another shot of soju, watching the intoxicating white liquid rippled and dispersed into small bubbles as it filled the small shot glass. She lowered the empty green bottle onto the table before her hand wrapped around the cool shot, eyes unfocused and red from crying.

The idea of freedom had blinded her to act recklessly. Her father was right, she would never survive out there without his help. Without his money, power, and influence.

"You better think again about your choice, Reyna." Her father once said, stopping Reyna from leaving the dining room. "Think about what's wise for you and your future."

She clenched her red dress until it wrinkled ugly, but luckily it prevented her nails from drawing blood on her palm.

"I told you I won't take over, and what." She whipped around sharply as her eyes pierced her father's, "You stopped my application into culinary for this? Dad, you agreed."

"I agreed to it before I knew the stakeholders were up to something nasty, and I was so close to being thrown over by that damned Tyro. You are the our hope to save this company from rubbles." He thundered, his voice rising by a note.

Her mother watched helplessly as the fight broke out, "Honey, please take it easy on her, she was right. We have no right to take away what we promised her."

" 'Right?!' Tell me you are goddamn joking." Her father exclaimed, flabbergasted. "You do know if she didn't take over, Tyro will crush the company into ruins. Everything we worked hard for, this house, the cars, our title, will all be gone in one day. And what, we had no rights? We gave her this life, she should at least have the decency to repay the luxury we gave her!"

"I never asked to be brought into this cursed Earth!" Reyna thundered, "Freedom was my choice, my rights. How dare you take it away from me, as a father?"

"Don't use that title on me if you have no intention in cooperating with us, as a daughter and heir."

Reyna scoffed, as a startled laugh escaped her wine-stained lips. He must b etc none joking right now.

"I will rather be disowned."

But to her shock and disbelief, her father didn't once budge as he leaned back further on his seat with a mocked expression.

"We dare to,"

She shot the liquor down her throat with her head tipped back, as stars started to form behind her eyelids. How she regretted saying that, instead of just staying quiet and roll along with the plan like a stringed puppet doll. It's been years since she heard anything from her parents, and the news of the company was never released to any media for her to check, due to its pride for security, especially regarding their financial status. Has it gone bankrupt? Is it too late to go back now?

In Five YearsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ