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Northlake's International Airport, the year 2015.


The rain outside thundered hard against the high windows surrounding Northlake's international airport. Although it was deafening to undisturbed travellers, the sound oddly sounded so muted and faraway against the chaotic worries weighing inside Reyna Han's mind.

He was about to finally leave for his three years of culinary studies--- a hard fact she had to swallow for the first couple of weeks upon receiving the acceptance email on a bright sunny day when they were lounging casually inside the familiar quietness of the cafe. The pure joy painted on his face was what stopped her from confessing how sad she truly felt about him leaving the country for years. In any way, she had no right to stop him if it was to save their cafe's crumbling business.

He was the talented one, not her. It should be fine if it was for their future, right?

Reyna bit her lower lip and looked away, tears pooling in her eyes once again. Besides, it's only for five years. No big deal, nothing will change. 

Her fist frustratedly clenched the black trousers he ironed this morning unknowingly, as her tear streaked eyes observed the loosely tied lace of her shoes. She had yet to accept the reality that she will no longer have a one on one breakfast date to look forward to. Although Chloe and Jake can be a humble company for the meantime (They're too loud in the morning for her liking, she's afraid).

But her new companies could never compare to the intimate breakfast moments she had with Liam, though.

"Did you forget anything behind?" Reyna asked, despite knowing so well Liam rarely forgets anything.

The silence was just too tense for her not to break.

"No," Liam answered curtly, his grip on the suitcase tightened as he swallowed. "I guess."

She nodded and let the unsaid words travelled between them in silence. The bustling airport was crowded with travellers and families during this time of the year, and oddly too, with people who seeks out shelter from the rain--- probably on their way to the famous beach restaurant near the airport.

Sensing the discomfort, Liam closed the distance between them and cupped her face gently, lifting her chin up with his thumb. He cracked his familiar boyish smile which he knew would never fail to make her feel better at its childlike innocence, "I will return as fast as possible, and we'll step up our cafe game. Kay? It's not like I'm going to be gone for long."

"Or worse, expelled." She chuckled jokingly as he wiped a tear that had slipped out of her eyes involuntarily.

Liam's eyes twinkled, "That, is a high chance."

Reyna laughed, although it sounded a bit forced and squeaky. "Gosh, hope not. Make sure to learn hard. And don't forget to update me boring news about Paris's weather daily. Would love to know how much it really rains there."

Although Northlake was notorious to have the worst rain attack ever encountered in her life. She just hoped he'll deal well with the thunderstorms.

Liam laughed with amusement, and casted his eyes downwards with a faint smile grazing on his lips. 

"Are you sure... you don't wanna come with me? I mean it would be great..." The words trailed off as reality once again seeped in the answer they both knew at heart.

Reyna let the beautiful possibility drowned the realistic thoughts away, even though it was just for a short moment. The surreal offer sounds very tempting, and for a second it even made her consider packing her bags and send a late notice to Chloe so she could close the cafe temporarily. Because she wasn't totally sure if she could stay apart from him for that long. 

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