It is in this moment I make a decision. I decide to shut it out. I decide to simply not feel it, and I decide to go back to my old ways. It didn't do me any favours in America—but here, it's the only thing that'll keep me sane. I feel a sense of shame as I think about it, knowing that Amara wouldn't want me to turn my hurt into anger; she wouldn't want me to go back to my old ways, my mean ways—my cold ways. But here, any emotion is a mistake.

I swear to myself that I won't crack. Nobody will know that I'm being ripped apart from the inside out. I will be the ruthless soldier they need, and they will respect me. In a sense, and only for a second, I find myself glad I sent her away. Because I would never be able to live with the way she would look at me after this, after what I have to do to get by.

And that is exactly what happened, I became ruthless—I became someone I barely recognised anymore. I became respected. And in this world, respected is the most dangerous thing you can be.


"De Luca, Marco wants to see you in his office." Dante rolls his eyes.

"Right." I groan.

"You wanted to see me?" I shrug as I close the door behind me.

He faces away, gazing out of the window at the opposite end of the room. "Did you get the job done?"

"Of course I did."

"Mmm," he hums. "You surprised me, De Luca."

"And why is that?" I roll my eyes.

He turns around slowly to face me. "I thought you had gone soft."

"Well I haven't." I defend.

"Mhm, it has been two months—maybe her grip has loosened on you," he licks his lips as he speaks. I clench my jaw in attempts to calm my temper. "—I mean, Miss Amara is probably fucking someone else by now-"

I throw him against the wall, pinning him tightly by the fabric of his silk shirt. "Take her name out of your fucking mouth." I spit.

He grins an enraging grin.

"I'm here, and I'm doing whatever the fuck I have to do—but you better take any trace of her existence out of your memory," I roar with gritted teeth. "I don't want you keeping tabs on her, thinking of her, or mentioning her to me ever again. Got it?"

He flashes me a tight lipped smile. "Yes, De Luca."

"The contract is over if you so much as look the road she walks on, do you understand? It's fucking finished." I spit, loosening my grip and allowing him to stand again.

Careless, I've been described as by the others. Who the hell challenges the boss? They say to me. But I know Marco, and I'm not fucking scared of him. Not anymore.

"I knew you were careless, but I never took you as a fool, De Luca," he brushes himself off. "You haven't signed the contract yet."

"Great, perfect time to add a clause."

*"Any contact with the person(s) in question: Miss. Amara Woods;
automatically warrants immediate nullification of the present contract signed by:
Mr. Mason Jaxon Loche,
previously: Mr. Mason Jaxon De Luca and: Mr. Marco Romano Bellucci
both parties must sign below;
_________    _________"*

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