Coffee to go- 3.15

Start from the beginning

"-That woman sure is lucky I'm over here dying of envy! Humph, if only I was still in my prime. Maybe I should change my wig.." the forty-eight year old nurse frowned sour faced her fellow nurse nudged her shoulder, "-Old hag you couldn't even get someone that good looking if you chanted to Buddha for eternity repenting for your sins,"

The sour faced button nosed nurse smacked her underling against her arm with her clipboard, "-Who asked you anything you wench get back to work before I write you up!-" she discretely barked.

"-O M G! They look so good together #breathtakingcouple.."

Cheng Bi Yu hid her face in his chest hiding away from the multiple eyes once inside Carter rested her down on the bed under the machine, "Just relax," Dr. Chi encouraged programming the machine Cheng Bi Yu is slowly sucked in the red rays scanned her figure.

Dr. Chi keenly eyed her diagrams switching them over she compares them, "..The results showed nothing new nor serious your assessment has been approved you're free to be discharged," she announced attaching the diagrams to Cheng Bi Yu's file, "-If you'd excuse me I'll just go sign off on this,"

Cheng Bi Yu turned her attention back to Carter she grasped his hands her sweet voice reached his ear, "...So what now?-"

Carter gently grasped her hands,
"..I've already bought two plane tickets seeing as you're being discharge we'll leave from here immediately to the airport," she brought his hand towards her face grasping her jaw, "..I'll get you off this island as you desire,"

Cheng Bi Yu grasped his hand, "..But how are we going to leave from here when we have no clothes?-" she glanced at her hospital gown wondering to herself, '-He doesn't expect me to wear this does he?'

Carter simply answered, "..Don't worry I've got that covered I ordered clothes to be sent to us," Cheng Bi Yu scrunched her brows, "..Then what about our luggage and the rest of our stuff back at Christopher's?-" Carter brought his index finger to her lips pausing her blabber, "Hush for a second! I've thought of everything. Don't worry your pretty little head okay-"

Cheng Bi Yu nods, "Good," he carefully pulls her to her feet placing a lasting kiss on her forehead he gently gripped her shoulders pushing her forward, "..Mush!-"

Carter had decided this time around to book a charted flight so they arrived at the island's only airport he throw his arm around Cheng Bi Yu's shoulders being careful of her injuries.

A string of throats cleared from behind them, "-Ehem!..." Cheng Bi Yu whips around not at all appalled by the familiar group of faces, "..You guys? What are you all doing here?-" Carter pulls her mush against his side, "..To of course bring our luggage and say their goodbyes,"

Celine is the first to come forward  Cheng Bi Yu inched away from Carter, "..I'm sorry about what Simon did he crossed his limits with you that day." Celine outstretched her arm pulling Cheng Bi Yu flush against her chest, "..I'm really going to miss you!-" Elene and Melina also joined in almost on the brink of tears, "..I'm really going to miss you guys too we spent the best times together,"

They all pulled back, "..Congratulations on the baby!-" they excitedly rushed out Cheng Bi Yu stared her brows wrinkled, "..You guys know?-"

Melina beamed, "..Of course," Cheng Bi Yu turned to the silent Carter who averted his gaze, "..You told them?-" he exhaled scratching the back of his neck, "..I know we agreed to tell them together but I was super excited! I couldn't keep it in anymore!-" he sealed his lips.

"..See you at the wedding okay," Celine went over to Willis' side it was Christopher's turn he hands over the suitcases, "Come you two!-" he pulled them both into his embrace pulling back his gaze focused on Cheng Bi Yu he grasped both her hands, "..Congratulations you two. I wish you the best of luck! Emerson I'm elated that you're carrying my first great- grandchild take especially good care of yourself as your wellbeing is vital for the child-"

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