Two years later..

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After the war of Dragons and humans, they made a deal, give them a planet and we can be in peace. Galamorami, the god of dragons would be smiling at Athena, teasing them with 'ill see your next time' smirk.


Mythica had wanted to see a specific person, Ashe, they hadn't even wanted to forgot them.

It had been two years for humans but for his it would be twenty, they are now 50 in their God years, and for their human years they look 23.

They landed on P. Athena and they saw Ashe. They had hair that was curled and was  kinda shorter, they were wearing a suit with a bow in their hair, they finally noticed their Beautiful Hazel eyes.

They would be doing normal things, buying food, however they then bumped into Mythica.

"Oh I am so sorry s-" They stared up and was pulled into a hug, Ashe looked up and realised who it was.

"Mythica!?" Ashe asked this amazed, Two Figures appeared behind Mythica, they looked amazing.

"Mythica? Who is he?" The Tall figure asked this, when being able to be seen better, they had beautiful brown skin, they had 5 eyes, all dripping with pure lava, their mouth did the same, dripping with lava.

The other person was just staring Confused, they had beautiful icy hair, their eyes were covered and they had beautiful gloves and a scarf, "Mmhmm..." They said this silently, they were the quiet one

A small elemental stared at them, they were the newest, Oni, Oni was the elemental of Knowledge, they are amazingly smart but can be easily annoyed, they looked exactly like a human.

"Who are they Mythica?" Ashe asked this sucking on a popsicle, Mythica took it out their mouth and began to suck on it, "Lava boy is named Akai-Tika, Small one is Oni, my  brother, and then the quiet one is snowfall!" They said this smiling, they then removed the popsicle and stuck it back in Ashes mouth.

Snowfall would shut his eyes, floating a bit, they would move a bit revealing his eye one.
Oni would just stare with Confusion, how can they see with just a eye!?.

Akai-Tika would put their arms around Snowfall and kissed their neck, they were Dating, Snowfalls face turned blue.

Snowfall would be pulled into a hug and they began to warm up, they smiled and they both Disappeared somewhere.

Oni would be reading harry potter, She loved these books, Ashe would finish the popsicle and threw it away.

"Well..we have some catching up to do!" Ashe said this with a smile, dragging Mythica with them, Oni followed

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