Girls on fire part 1

Start from the beginning

I leave the chief's office and go and call thus person but I got his assistant so once I leave a message I go do my chore for the day which is cleaning out the fridge as I walk into the kitchen I see that Kelly is there

S= hey you
K= hey what you up to
S= well I am on cleaning out the fridge today but remember earlier I said something about trying to help out my community
K= oh yea
S= well I finally came up with an idea to help young girls
K= you did what is it
S= well my plan is instead of having girls do that thing on the street is have them do something to help people. So I want to create a program for young girls to be junior firefighter
K= wow that's a amazing idea
S= thanks
K= no problem so would you like some help to clean out that fridge
S= not really but if your offering then sure thing
K= all right let's get cleaning

We start cleaning out the fridge 

S= expired
K= yeah
S= way expired
OH= I was told I could find Stella Kidd in here
S= yes you can and yes you did
OH= Owen Horton CFD community outreach department
S= oh um hi
OH= I got your message I was running back from manny's though I'd stop by and get the low down
S= well firstly thank you for responding so quickly okay so like I said on the message I'm calling it girls on fire what I'm thinking is high school girls young women can see that there is a career for them in the fire service so we have them run drills, spread hoses climb ladders ride in the trucks and hear from women who are in the trenches everyday at the CFD you know let these teenage girls feel empowered
OH= what you're gonna want to do is write me up a formal proposal you'll find the guidelines on the CFD server get a female officer to cosponsor with you and email it to me when your done ( cell phone rings and he answers it) Donna Yeah I had a quick stop I'll be there in a five minutes okay thanks
S= um a female officer
OH= all outreach programs require an officer's full commitment his or her presence at all meetings and events I think they only way this one files is if's female lead
S= right ( he walks away ) exactly ( turns around to kelly)
K= I think he's into it
S= I have to go print up a list of female officers

So I go and do that and look up how to write a proposal while I am at it. It's the end of shift I think o decide on the female officer I want to cosponsor my idea so me and Kelly are walking to our cars 

S= I'll be home later I gotta stop by the academy and meet with thud lady chief
K= all right I'll see you later
S= all right ( they kiss)
I drive to the academy and find the lady chief I want to talk to and I start telling her my idea
PS= absolutely I hear you it's it sound like a great program
S= so you'll cosponsor with me
PS= I wish I could stella but I don't put my name on anything unless I can give it my full attention in addition to running a battalion I use my days off to support the 100 club
S= oh yea I knew that you said that before
PS= look I'd love to help you
CL= help you with what
S= oh um it's
PS= actually still I need an officer to cosponsor her girls Um
S= girls on fire
PS= girls on fire program
CL= sounds interesting
S= it is it is
CL= tell you what I've got my breakfast free why don't we discuss it over coffee and pancakes
S= okay.

I never though of capital Lennon to help me but if she is my option to get this program up and running I will do it. So we head off to local café order are food and I start telling her my idea

S= and so what I want to show them really show them is how responsibility goes both way you know and when those bells go off you have to be fearless and professional and ready. The skills that they learn they can carry it over into Schools,their families , their communities whether they become firefighters or not girls can be heroes and they need to know that anyways that's it that's what I want to do okay yeah yeah there you go So what do you think I mean girls on fire right
CL= not Interesting you're a schemer I don't work with schemers ( she walks away)

I am on shocked so she just used me to buy her some breakfast great now what am I going to do. So I go home and the next day on shift I tell kelly what happened 

S= and so that exhausts my list of women officers I know the list could've fit on a post it note anyway and you know I don't .. I don't want to cosponsor girls on fire without someone who's dependable, enthusiastic, smart
K= I know a woman officer who's all those things
S= really who
K= Wendy Seager
S= ( laughs) the women who threw vibes at you right in front of me
K= I'll text you her number

I can't believe he said her name but I want this program to get started so once he sent his number I called her lucky I got her voicemail so o left her a message and waited on her to call back . A couple hours later kelly got a text message that she is going to be stop in a few minutes so he goes outside to wait for her and I wait until they come inside

K= Stella Lieutenant Seager is looking for thy
S= thanks for coming by
WS= happy to and it's Wendy
S= Wendy yeah
WS= I got your message and I'm intrigued
K= I'm just gonna ( he walks away)
WS= severide's great but you know that
S= I do I do so the reason I reached out I have a program I'm looking to start that'll benefit young women and I need a female officer to cosponsor I'm calling it girls on fire and the idea us I reach out to public schools girls and show them what a career in the fire service is all about it's hands on direct, smalls groups
WS= say no more
S= oh
WS= I'm in
S= you are
WS= are you kidding my classmates at south shore used to make fun of me when I said I wanted to be a firefighter
S= yeah
WS= you're a girl you can't lift a bag of feathers it'll never work. I heard it all so young women need to see real role models at the CFD know this is a career choice not just a dream for boys
S= exactly
WS= this program seems badass whatever you need sign me up

We spend the next hour discuss the program and writing up a proposal and then we email it to captain Horton. I hope I can get along with her and she doesn't ask about kelly that much because I really want this program to work so I can do something for my community.

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