A First Kiss

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Snape's eyes narrowed as he stalked closer to her, his movements like that of a creature sneaking up to his prey, Alecto felt him trying to enter her mind, so she used what he had taught her these last few weeks, and successfully blocked him out.

A slight smirk tugged on the professor's lips, "Seems you're getting better at that." He said slowly.

"Well I've learned from the best." Alecto smiled but cringed slightly on the inside, did she just try to flirt?

"Indeed." He walked closer to her until he was right infront of her, Alecto could hear her breathing speed up slightly, what was happening. Was she dreaming?


Turns out she wasn't dreaming, and her professor, the one she'd had feelings for since she arrived at Hogwarts, was standing right infront of her, looking down his hooked nose at her, only he didn't look like he always did. He didn't look annoyed, angry or shrewd in any way, he wore a smirk on his lips and one that Alecto rarely saw, it wasn't his small sarcastic smirk, this was more. It meant more.

It seemed to have happened so fast, when Snape's lips finally found hers, Alecto's breath was taken away, she was completely stunned at his actions, he leaned in first, right?
She had no idea anymore, everything had become a blur, her mind, her surroundings, except for one thing, the professor whom was kissing her right that moment.

Without much hesitation she returned the kiss and there the two of them stood, kissing eachother passionately, pouring their emotions into it. Slowly Professor Snape's hands moved to her waist, keeping his one hand there and moving his other to cup Alecto's face gently, making her lift her head more to kiss even deeper.

Letting go of eachother they parted for air, Alecto opened her eyes and looking up at Snape, she met his eyes as he was already looking at her, his facial expression was soft as his eyes traveled over her features, as he met her green eyes again a soft frown formed on his face.

"No..." he whispered and backed away from her.
"We can't." He backed away even more as if he was afraid of something all of a sudden.

"No. You will never speak of this, it won't ever happen again." He snapped rudely and walked to his classroom door and opened it, "Get out."
With that his sour expression was back.
Frowning, Alecto made her way towards the door, almost all the way out of the room she turned to him. "Sir, please..."

"No Miss Black." He pushed her out gently and shut the door loudly.


It kept creeping into her mind, the kiss, she couldn't forget about it, about him. It was just so amazing, she'd never even imagined kissing him because, well, he's her teacher, and she thought he hated her, well he probably hated her even more now. He kissed her though.

Alecto lay in bed, staring at the ceiling and listening to the underwater sounds from the Black Lake and the wind that blew against the dungeon walls.

A thought then crossed her mind, could Professor Lupin be helping her father?


The next day Alecto couldn't stop wondering about Professor Lupin, and she couldn't stop thinking about the kiss that she and Snape had shared.

They had potions first and he completely avoided her, pretended like nothing had happened, it was a little disappointing, but what did she expect, a kiss on the cheek infront of her classmates?
Besides, she thought, if they ever were in a relationship, Snape would probably do his best to keep it a secret from everything and everyone.

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