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Alecto slowly sat down in the chair, shifting uncomfortably as she felt all the attention on her.
"Now... I'm going to enter your mind and memories and you will attempt to resist me."



Alecto's eyes widened-


The memories all came back to her, old ones, recent ones, didn't matter, they were all so vivid...

The image of a much younger Alecto came into view, it was another common day at the orphanage, she remembered the kids weren't very nice but this was too vivid, kids teasing her and calling her names, for they knew her father was sent to prison for murder so the older kids liked to call her names for it, or because of the fact that they were muggles and she was... strange.

She wasn't very fond of these memories she had of the orphanage, thats why she loved Hogwarts, it was home away from home, jf you could even call that horrible place full of muggles a home.

"Freak." One of the older boys called out to the small figure, which had to be Alecto.
"I'm not a freak, William!" She attempted to argue back but he pushed her small figure and she fell over on the playground.
"You're a freak just like your father."
Then Alecto saw a figure she knew didn't belong in the memory, the man with the onyx eyes and jet black hair.
"You aren't even trying." He muttered harshly and pulled away from that memory and into a different one.

It was her first day at Hogwarts, she had walked through the big oak doors and was on her way to the great hall about to be sorted into her hogwarts house, as she stood among the first years she met his eyes once again. No! She couldn't let him see this! She tried her best to push him out and he quickly jumped to another memory.

"We will name her Alecto." The man said, a tall woman sitting next to him.
"You will raise her well now that we've gotten rid of Black." An unknown voice said.
But there was another man, at the table, with the two people and the unknown person, he also had onyx eyes and black hair but he looked much younger-

A sudden force pushed both Snape and Alecto out of the memory, as if it had been corrupted.
Alecto panted weakly and looked up at Snape, his eyes were wide as if he saw something he thought he'd never see again.
The two stared at eachother for a while, soon Snape seemed to calm down and turned away, "You're weak. You barely put effort into it." He said coldly.
Alecto scowled tiredly, "I'm sorry I'm not as powerful as you, it's not every day someone tries to enter my mind you know."
The professor turned to her silently, watching her frown, "I don't remember the last memory..." she brought up, she didn't know any of those people nor where they were, was she the baby?

Snape's POV

Suddenly I was pushed out of her memory but not by the girl, it was something else.
"You're weak."
"You barely put effort into it." I said to her, she was panting and looked tired.
"I'm sorry I'm not as powerful as you, it's not every day someone tries to enter my mind you know." I turned to her and she frowned, "I don't remember the last memory..."

I do...

I shook my head, "Go to class. I'll let you know of our next lesson." She got up and left.
If we carried on like this she might find out...
They were supposed to Obliviate all those memories, she wasn't supposed to remember them, or me... not yet.
I'll have to talk to Albus about this.

Third person POV

"He entered your memories?" Hermione asked, frowning deeply, "Yeah, it was awful really."
"Isn't that like illegal or something?" Ginny asked, they were all at lunch and Alecto's barely touched her food.
"Well I gave him permission... sort of." Alecto muttered.
"Well it's good that he's trying to help you, isn't it?" Hermione asked.
Alecto shrugged, "I guess."


She's been having odd dreams since that day and Snape seemed to be avoiding her.

The day before the first Quidditch match, the winds reached howling point and the rain fell harder than ever. It was so dark inside the corridors and classrooms that extra torches and lanterns were lit. The Slytherin team was looking very smug indeed, and none more so than Malfoy.

Things haven't been too great, since Alecto wasn't playing tomorrow, nightmares she's been having and her worries for her father, she was quite looking forward for one final school day of the week and especially Defense against the dark arts.
She was sure Professor Lupin was going to make today exciting as he always did.

But it wasn't professor Lupin who met her eyes when she walked into class, it was Snape's.
She rolled her eyes and sat down at her desk.
"Where's professor Lupin?" She heard some kids mutter and since it looked as if no one was going to ask she did it herself.
"Where's professor Lupin?" She simply asked, crossing her arms lazily over her desk.

"Feeling too ill to teach today." Snape replied boredly, eyeing her with a slight smirk.
"Why? What's wrong?" Alecto asked, knowing she was annoying him with her daft questions.
"Nothing bad, but that's not really any of your business, is it Black?"

Alecto raised an eyebrow, he wants to play, hmm?
"Well..." she drawled slowly, sitting upright in her chair, "Technically, he is our professor, and how awful would it be if we didn't care about him or where he was?"
Some Slytherins snickered lowly and Snape shot them an angry glare and turned back to her, "Miss Black, I do hate taking points from my own house but since I understand that it runs in your family to be an arrogant little dunderhead I will only deduct ten points. Unless you want to continue acting like a stupid school girl, I could take more. If you'd like?"
Alecto scowled. "I'm not arrogant." She muttered as he turned away.
"What was that, Black?"
"Nothing." She hissed softly.
She swore she saw him smirk one last time before walking off to the teachers desk.

By lunchtime Alecto's heard it all from Harry, Ron and Hermione, Harry also asked Snape about Lupin and there was a whole class discussion because of Lupin and how great he was and Snape telling them he's not a good teacher and so on, Ron also got detention, had to scrub out the bedpans in the hospital wing, without magic of course.

"So, Harry, you ready for the match tomorrow?" Alecto asked him.
Harry nodded, "I think we'll do good, I just hope the weather clears up a bit."
"Don't worry Harry, you'll do great, you've never lost a match." Ron brought up, stuffing his cheeks with chicken.
Alecto was eating peacefully when she gasped as another few memories flooded her minds eye.
She broke into a cold sweat and got up shakily.
"Lecto? Are you alright?" Fred and George asked in unison, looking at her with concern.
"I-I'm fine..." she glanced at Snape who was sitting at the teachers table and who had his attention on her now.
"Guys, I gotta go." She said as she left the hall.
Professor Snape got up a minute later and left in the direction she did, finding her in an empty corridor.
"It happened again." The girl said, looking at him.
"Do you remember anything? Seeing anything in the memory that didn't belong there?"
Alecto shook her head, "No, it was all strange to me. I didn't even recognize the memory."

Snape sighed, "Monday, our next Occulumency lesson, after dinner, dont be late." He said silkily before walking off.


Hi! Right, so I hope you enjoyed this one, it was rather short and not too interesting but the next chapter will be the first Quidditch match so it will be amazing!

Who do you think is trying to get into her mind?

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Love you guys!


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