He's Escaped

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I own none of this, the story and all of it's characters belong to J.K Rowling!

Except of course Alecto whom I created...


Alecto made her way onto the Hogwarts Express with Harry, Ron and Hermione, despite being put in Slytherin in her first year and being a year older than them they were still her friends, she wasn't really friends with most Slytherins and especially not Draco Malfoy, he'd only look for trouble around her.
They walked into the only empty... well not empty but available compartment.
"Come on." Hermione mumbled, "Everywhere else is full." They walked into the compartment and took their seats.
"Who do you think that is?" Ron said, mentioning the grown figure asleep next to the window.
"Professor R.J Lupin." Hermione answered casually.
"You know everything! How is it that she knows everything?" The redhead questioned.
"It's on his suitcase." Alecto muttered.

"Do you think he's really asleep?"
"Seems to be, why?"
"I gotta tell you something." Harry said closing the compartment door.
Harry started speaking about Sirius Black and how he's escaped from Azkaban.
"He's escaped..."
"Sirius Black? Escaped from Azkaban?"
"How? that's impossible.
Alecto turned pale, she could feel her insides grow cold.
Her father escaped...
"Hey guys just excuse me for a moment." With that she got up and left the compartment.
Harry sighed, "I completely forgot."
"Don't worry Harry, she'll understand."

Alecto went to the restroom and stood infront of the mirror, splashing water gently on her face.

He's escaped, what's that supposed to mean?
Does he even know I exist?
Would he come look for me...

She sighed softly and her mind wandered a bit, she thought about how she could only remember spending her whole childhood in an orphanage, well where else because her father was imprisoned when she was only two years old. He's been in Azkaban for twelve years, they say the place changes people, would he even remember her, if he indeed knows she's alive or has he gone completely mad?

She thought about how she was lucky enough to come to Hogwarts, it's like a home to her, the home she gets to see everyone she loves, even him...
Once again she sighed at the thought of him and how crazy it was of her to have these feelings for him of all people. He hated her though. She did her best at Potions but he wouldn't let her do well at all.
Well not that she thought C's were bad, she just wanted to impress the man.
And of course being skilled as a Legilimens what else did she have exactly?
Nothing special she thought.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the train coming to a sudden stop and the lights died out.


Snape's POV

What in Merlin's name.
I got up slowly as the train had come to a sudden stop and all lights died. I opened my compartment door and looked out into the hallway, all students were in their compartments. I turned back and saw the windows being covered slowly by a thin layer of ice, it got cold slowly and I could see my own breath get foggy infront of me.
Dementors, possibly?
Probably is-
"Professor?" A whisper came behind me and I snapped around, seeing Black behind me.
Pathetic. After trouble as always, just like her father.
"What are you doing outside of your compartment, Black?"

For a moment she stuttered but I pulled her into my compartment by her collar.
I knew the creature had to have been on the train by now.
"Looking for trouble just like your father." I sneered softly.
"I went to the restroom." She muttered cheekily.
"And I'm nothing like my fa-" I cut her off by cupping my hand over her mouth quickly.
I removed my hand once she was quiet and looked at her, placing a finger on my lips, signaling for her to stay quiet. The windows of the compartment door slowly started freezing up like the windows from outside.

I got out my wand slowly as we both saw a dark hooded figure stop infront of the compartment.
Looking back at Black I saw her shaky breath creating a cool fog infront of her lips.

Slowly the compartment door opened and I heard her breath quicken in fear. As the foul creature entered slowly everything felt dark, it felt like I'd never have a happy moment ever again, I moved back, "Black, stay behind me." I ordered the young girl but of course, as the creature neared she moved out from behind me in a swift movement just as I was about to use my patronus she cried out the words and a light emerged from her wand, chasing off the dark creature, that wasn't what got my attention. The fact that the light slowly changed to the light blue figure of... a doe?


Soon after Potter has apparently just experienced the dementors kiss the dementor was chased off for good. I had a few words with Lupin about it but just as I was going back to my compartment I walked past the black haired girl again.
"Black, a word please." I walked into my compartment and she followed soon after, looking a little pale. I closed the door and motioned for her to sit down and I took a seat opposite her.

"Where did you learn that?" I asked her. Her green eyes met mine for a moment till she looked down. "I do a bit of self studying." She replied. I nodded at her. "It takes a strong joyful memory to be able to produce a patronus like that."
"I know sir." She gave me a soft smile. She looked so calm and collected, as if a dementor hadn't been on the  train earlier. For a moment I almost forgot why I hated her so much...


Keep in mind, I wrote this book a year ago, I am currently busy rereading it to fix mistakes and cringey parts, so bare with me.

~ S

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