Christmas at Hogwarts

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As time went by the Slytherin Quidditch team started practicing again, Alecto was luckily included but knew she wasn't wanted on the team.
They started learning and practicing new methods, Alecto had no more problems with dementors since that day of the match, she hadn't had any new sightings of the black dog and her Occulumency lessons were... well not going too great but they were alright, she and Snape often got into arguements about silly things.

Two weeks before the end of the term, the sky lightened suddenly to a dazzling, opaline white and the muddy grounds were revealed one morning covered in glittering frost. Inside the castle, there was a buzz of Christmas in the air. Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher, had already decorated his classroom with shimmering lights that turned out to be real, fluttering fairies. The students were all happily discussing their plans for the holidays.
Alecto decided to stay for the Christmas holiday and she knew Harry, Ron and Hermione were staying as well.
And to everyone's delight there was to be another Hogsmeade weekend before the end of term.
Alecto figured she'd be able to do all of her Christmas shopping.
That's if Dumbledore would allow her to go with a teacher again, after what she did last time.


She walked nervously into the headmasters office, "Ah, Miss Black." Dumbledore smiled at her from his desk. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Alecto shifted around awkwardly. "Sir I was wondering if you'd allow me to go to Hogsmeade... again."

He raised an eyebrow, "Well I'm sure you understand my hesitation, professor Snape did tell me what happened the last time you went to Hogsmeade."

"I know, and I apologize for that. I was ungrateful back then." She spoke as if it had happened years ago where she had been younger and finally grew older now to realize that she should've been happy to go, even if it was with professor Snape, where it only happened a couple of weeks ago.

"I was younger then." She stated with a serious expression.
"But now I'm older and I finally see that I had been ungrateful."

Dumbledore let out a chuckle, "You're so much like your father."

Alecto smiled lightly, "Alright, you may go again, but this time I'll have to ask Professor Lupin to go with you, I'm not certain Professor Snape would want to be made of a fool again."

"Thank you, sir." Alecto smiled and left his office.


Saturday came quickly and Alecto made her way to Lupin's office, where he told her to meet him on this morning.
She knocked lightly and went inside, "Morning Professor." She said as she stepped inside, dressed in a dark coat that reached to her feet and she had turned the collar up and put on her Slytherin scarf.
"He turned to her."Morning Alecto." He smiled and took the last sip of his tea and placed it down on his desk and with a lazy wave of his wand the cup went floating away.
"Ready?" He asked putting on his patchy robes.
Alecto nodded and they left the castle.

Alecto wasn't really one for small talk but she enjoyed Lupin's company, he was kind and didn't sound bored with her stories, unlike Snape, he hated her, well he hated everyone and everything, "Why does professor Snape hate me, Sir?" She asked him as he was in midsentence.
He turned to look at her as they walked up the path that only a week ago had been covered in mud from all the rain, which was now covered in white snow.

He sighed, "It's because of your father, and his friends."
She looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to say more.
He hesitated, "It was always Sirius, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, and I myself. We were inseparable, best of friends, caused alot of mischief though, and Snape. He was never really fond of us."


Lupin sighed, "He was always trying to meddle with our business and well, we started bullying him. James and Sirius, being the two which made the most trouble, took it too far and..."

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