Chapter Twenty Five

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Today was a special schedule at school because of the masquerade ball so everyone was out of the building by noon. Sophia ran to her house, saying that she’ll be over so we could get ready together. Evan forgot about the masquerade ball so he dragged Brad, Chad and Austin with him to the mall to buy an outfit for tonight. Kale and I were on our way home.

“Are you excited for tonight?” Kale asked, trying to make conversation.

“Yeah I guess.”

“Don’t lie Kat. You are excited.” He nudged me playfully.

“I shoved him playfully in return. “Fine, I am excited. The whole masquerade thing seems really cool.”

When we arrived at our house, Logan stumbled out the front door in his coffee shop uniform shirt, khaki pants and black shoes. His black bag was slung over his shoulder and his usual brown tousled hair was dripping wet and flat.

“I’m late for my shift.” He informed us in a hurry. “I’ll be home around 11:00 tonight. Kale do not cook while your sister and I are out tonight.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Kale mumbled. “You better go or else Shawn will fire you.”

Logan quickly slipped into his car and turned on the ignition. Within a few seconds, he was backed out of the drive way and speeding down the direction of the coffee shop. The last few words of Logan played in my head before I fully grasped when he was actually saying.

Was Kale not going to the masquerade ball? I turned around to see Kale making his way into the house. I quickly catch up to him, closing the door behind me. Kale went straight to the kitchen, rummaging through the pantry and fridge for food.

“Kale, you’re not coming tonight?” I asked.

“Yup.” He answered, shoving a powered mini doughnut into his mouth.

“But why?”

“It doesn’t matter.” He snapped his. I flinched at his sharp tone. Kale never used that tone unless he was stressed or something was bothering him.

“You can tell me you know?” I said softly. I placed my hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off and took a step away from me.

“It’s none of your business Kat.”

With that said, he walked passed me and exited the kitchen. I heard his footsteps as he jogged upstairs and the sound of his bedroom door closing. I wanted him to talk to me; to tell me whatever’s bothering him or stressing him out. We were twins. We promised we would always be there for each other and to tell each other everything. I debated whether or not to go to his room and pry it out of him. But I chose not to. I’ll just wait until he was ready to talk.

Until Sophia arrived, I decided to start my French essay but of course that didn’t happen. Instead I was messing around with my keyboard and guitar and the recording equipment to find that right melody I’ve been searching for. At first it was difficult to start but once I played a few chords on the keyboard and freestyle on the guitar, my creative juices began flowing. I was inspired until I heard the doorbell. I closed my notebook and placed my guitar on my bed before heading downstairs.

“Hey Kat.” Sophia beamed when I opened the front door.

She had her hot pink duffle bag over her shoulder while carrying a black garment, probably with her outfit inside. I escorted her up to my room and helped her prepare all her hair and makeup supplies before she could begin working her beauty magic on me.

“Don’t you dare touch me with those things.” I warned, pointing at the pair of tweezers that were two centimeters from my eyebrows.

“Fine. But I’m still doing your make up.” Sophia said, taking out a jumbo sized makeup pallet with so many different colors inside.

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