𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗

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Without warning, all light disappeared. I shifted my glance all around, shocked.

Were we in a tunnel?

"Uh... Detective Kambe, where are we?" I asked him. He completely dismissed my question and stepped on the gas pedal, driving at the speed of light.

He was such a quiet man compared to how sadistic he was.

I was relieved when the blue sky finally welcomed me back into the light, but it was all empty. No buildings, no nothing. Just a forest and a road. A long, long road.

I wonder where we're going... It's so secluded.

My questions were finally answered.

It was huge. Magnificent. It looked like a five star hotel, the ones with floors and walls made of marble.

He stopped the car abruptly and got out. I put my hand on the door handle, about to open it. Unexpectedly, the expressionless man opened the door.

He stretched out his hand and I took it, knowing that such a thing would probably not happen again because of his personality.

"Welcome home, Young Master," an old looking man came forward. He bowed down to Daisuke with his hands gathered in front of him.

"His home?! This big thing?!"I asked myself. I stood behind Daisuke, waiting for us to be alone before I asked him anything else.

If only I was as rich as this guy!

Although the outside of his home was huge, the inside was much bigger.

It was like a castle. At least what I thought a castle would look like. It perfectly emulated one, because of how grand it was. It made me a bit uncomfortable to be only with Daisuke in such a big space.

He led me into an empty room, where there were no more butlers or maids, whatever rich people like him had.

"Hello! My name is Kambe Suzue!" a woman popped up from her desk.


"Suzue-san, are you siblings?" I asked Suzue, shocked. I could've guessed because of the black hair and blue eyes.

"Yes, we are siblings. No need for formalities. She is six months younger than you," Daisuke said in a monotone voice.

Looks surely ran in the family. Suzue was like the female form of Daisuke, just the type of person Haru would fall for. I wouldn't blame him though. She was much prettier than me after all.

Suzue's face grew serious and spoke with Daisuke.

"So, I designed Sora-san's outfit with a lot of hiding spots for weapons and items. I also installed a tracking device on the collar of the dress she will wear," Suzue announced, seemingly proud of her work.

"Good job, now go help Miss Kato with the fitting," Daisuke instructed, while walking out the room with a cigar in his hands.

Suzue cheered, "My brother told me that your figure was quite similar to mine, so I used my measurements to make this dress. I can tailor it for you if you need to!"

In the changing room (which was also big), I noticed that she had handed me some straps so I could hide weapons. Why would I need weapons? Would it be dangerous?

The dress fit me perfectly, surprisingly. I thought Suzue's figure would be way better than mine.

"It fit perfectly! I thought it was going to be bigger, thank goodness," Suzue exclaimed, "it looks great on you." She handed me a dagger and put it into a strap on my leg, hiding it.

"Where's Detective Kambe?" I asked Suzue.

"Oh, you'll see him soon. So, here's the plan," she began explaining to me.

What do you mean by later? Where am I even going? I shouldn't have gotten caught in this mess in the first place.

She gave me a card and told me about my alias and code name for the party. I was surprised she knew how to handle things like this, even though it was likely that Daisuke was the one who taught her.

Summarized, I was supposed to infiltrate the party and steal information from the leader's phone. Easy. Haru taught me about things like that all the time when he was in the first division.

"Remember if you ever need help or if something happens, run straight to the roof. Don't go anywhere, just go to the roof, got it?" Suzue reminded me. Strange. Shouldn't I just run out of the building? But of course, I knew better than to disobey her. It was probably Daisuke's orders anyways.

You know when I said it was going to be easy? Yeah it was going to be far, far from easy.

Word count: 769

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