Breathe 35: Almost

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A loud boom was heard.

Jimin instantly whipped his head and saw a layers of smoke and dust flying everywhere and the entrance is knocked down.

"Shit! Namjoon hyung! Go to the next chopper! Youngmen, Assemble! The water guns and the special ones! Ladies, start to assist the other into the chopper!" He shouted and everyone complied.

He took two guns. The water gun (NOT A TOY DUDE LMAO) that just recently upgraded its shootinh range and the other one that can make your skull crack.

The layers of dust is now getting thinner and he can see the silhouettes of Inhalers.

"Shit." He muttered.

Its some A.I's and a big horde of weakhalers.

He gritted his teeth as he gripped his gun and started shooting the enemies.

"Jimin! Come with us! Now!" He can hear Jin shouting at him but it isn't the time. The chopper isn't high enough and if he will excape, the youngmen will die and there's a chance to be killed by A.I's.

He needs to take them down.

"Koni and others! Shoot!" He shouted and they started to hit the weakhaler's body with some bullets using a normal gun.

"Gilda and others! Start to use the hose!" He comanded and he grabbed some grenades in the boxes near the chopper and threw it in the enemies.

The females turned on the switch and the hose just burst water and they pointed it in the weakhalers that started smoking up and metling themselves.

"Argh!" A scream was heard. One comeade down. Jimin saw him gettinf his body snashed by an A.I.

Soon, everything's messier than the start. A lowd howl was heard.

"Shit. Howlers are also here!" He can hear his comrade scream.

"All Koni's group! Start to throw the flash bomb to temporarily lose their sight!" Jimin shouted as he shoots the A.I's using the simple design of a gun.

He took down two A.I's. Two left.

"Bitch! Right here!" He can hear Gilda shout as she tried to get the other A.I's attention. He thanked her and routed for her to defeat it.

"Koni! How's the howlers!?" Jimin asked as he saw Koni trying to load their guns as fast as they can to slow them all down.

"There are almost three of them! Two down, one to go! But, the last one is so tough!" Shit.

Jimin got the watergun that he saw on the ground and approached the A.I immediately. He readied himseld to jump and succesfully lifted his wholebody in the air.

Pulling the trigger while pointing in the A.I's eyes. He shot it bulls eye and he smirked.

The A.I started to scream and it started to smoke like the others. Soon, it melted away.

one to go.

"Shit! Out of water!" A female shouted.

"Females! Go to the chopper, Now!" Jimin shouted and the females complied.

The camp is now on a messy chaos with some bodies in the ground, pools of bloods anywhere.

Jimin was now exhausted and he can feel his body being so heavy.

He can hear pleads from his comrades as the howlers hoqled once again, calling a new set of A.I's and a big hirde of weakhalers once again.

All of the enemies were so busy destroying the place and some are busy cutting the water connections to stop them from melting.

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