Chapter 41

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            The castle had become very still

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The castle had become very still. Perhaps it was the change in weather that made the people seek comfort behind closed doors. Or perhaps it was the change in mood of their masters; they had become as cold as the snow that covered the landscape. But it was a deathly sort of chill. The sort people seek to avoid. It was instinctive. And their instincts were correct. The Geishu met with the Hikiji in Yasuhira's apartments. There were guards not only at the door but also at intervals in the surrounding halls. No one was allowed within fifty steps of where they were meeting. No one, except the Shogun, whom they were certain didn't have any business venturing out to speak with them anyway. Motokazu kept vigil at the door with a member of his troop and two Neko. He had felt the chill from Usagi when he was ordered to put in place such strict security. He felt the chill from Noriyuki as he entered the room. And then from Yasuhira. As for Tomoe, she had become like the frost itself. He could not press his forehead deep enough into the floor to avoid such a cold. When they had all ventured inside, he took a breath and wasn't surprised that it was suddenly visible.

The room soon became filled with heated words, but they were hollow. Yasuhira and Noriyuki traded barbs back and forth, but neither overwhelmed the other. In truth they were simply furious at how the situation had turned and took out their frustrations on the other. Chizu and Kenichi sat along the wall behind Yasuhira, with the latter still favouring his side. Usagi and Horikawa sat behind Noriyuki, with the former turning an eye to the latter, and wondering how such a man was able to return to his former state so quickly. Tomoe was on her feet, looking out the window and said nothing. Chizu's heart sank as she looked at the woman and she was filled with the need to reach out and comfort her friend.

"This quite the development," Said Yasuhira, with a heavy sigh, "Peace has always been a thornier proposition than war. Everyone wants something different out of it. Peace is forever beholden to hidden agendas."

"My agenda was simply to go home when this was done," Spat Noriyuki, "Preferably with the Shadow Lord's head. When that was denied, I tried not to let it dishearten me, but lose Tomoe like this. This is intolerable..."

Yasu leaned forward, "Do not speak to me about what is intolerable, Yuki."

Noriyuki looked away, "Yes, yes. Of course." He had no other words.

Yasuhira threw up his hands, "My mind is whirling about like a hurricane. I can't think straight at all. I can't discern what the purpose of all this is," He looked about the room to the others, "Does anyone have any idea what in Enma's hell is happening?"

"It's a ploy..."

The voice came from the window and everyone turned to Tomoe. She remained fixated on the world outside, with her arms wrapped around her shoulders to shelter herself from the cold.

"The Shogun must have thought better of his plan to make me his General. It would have increased my influence over the people and weakened his position. But he can't let me marry you, Yasu and he can't have me remain in your service either, Tono. His fear being that one or both of you would use my skill and influence to rise up against him. So better to marry me off to one of his wretched bastards and throw me into the weeds, where I'll grow fat and soft and vanish from the public mind," She scoffed, "It's inspired, really," She rubbed her cheeks, "And quite remarkable. I am undone by my own success."

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