Chapter 36

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            Chizu was so in awe of the battle in front of her that she could hardly stay focused on her mission

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Chizu was so in awe of the battle in front of her that she could hardly stay focused on her mission. She and her small detachment of ninja had made their way into the battle space to recce the bridge and the overall defences of the castle. What they ventured into was a great whirlwind of battle. It was the final charge made by the Shining Sun Hikiji, with General Ame at the head. Chizu marked her straight away in her resplendent armour and her voluminous hair that flew from underneath her helmet like a horse's mane. The woman was glorious, fearless and tenacious. As Chizu watched Tomoe slay one Black Sun soldier after another, she began to weep uncontrollably. Never in her life had she ever thought such a sight would ever pass before her eyes. Then she noticed a glint on top of the keep and saw a man with a bow and arrow. By his bearing she recognised him as Kagemaru and that he was aiming for General Ame. She wanted to rush headlong to warn the woman, but was held back one of her lieutenants. If she made her presence known it would signal that Naishi's forces had arrived and would disrupt the delicate plans General Ame had put into place. So now, with tears of sorrow, Chizu could only watch, as the most beautiful woman in the entire world would be struck down by a coward and a tyrant. She even watched the flight of the arrow once it was released. Then something strange happened, it was as if someone had cast a stone into a calm body of water, and caused a ripple to cascade through the air around the General. Chizu flinched. Tomoe spun around wildly and cut the arrow in two. Now Chizu jumped and almost cried out in triumph. But she was once again held in check.

Enough. They had all the information they needed. Their encampment was beyond the next ridge, well away from the enemy pickets and it seemed that the Shadow Lord had ceased to set out patrols. His numbers must be low or he feared those patrols never returning, either by being taken prisoner or absconding all together. Usagi was anxious himself to begin the battle. They had made good time from the Grand Fief and found a good point to cross the river that acted as the border between the two clans. It was Kenichi's choice and he set off across the waters first to ensure it was safe. Soon the rest of the column followed. It was an impressive sight, Usagi had to admit. Their numbers rivalled Lord Mifune's and they were the smaller army than what faced the Shadow Lord. All told Usagi was certain not even the Shogun could match their numbers. But now they had to wait. He had sent Motokazu to scout the castle too and maintain observation posts on the enemy. They were ready. All they needed was to know when the final attack would take place. It would be a bloody battle. Everyone held no doubts about that. The castle was far too formidable, even unfinished to be taken easily or even on the first advance. It may take several days to finally crush the enemy resolve and incur several thousand casualties. Even Usagi shuddered at the cost of victory.

For security reasons the men were forbidden to make fires. So they huddled together for warmth and safety, though the former was hard in coming. Usagi went to the command tent and found those within were silent and grim. He carved a chunk of cold rice from the pot and put it in his bowl. He'd have to eat with his fingers, as chopsticks were useless. It wasn't the first time. He wondered if it was the last. In the quiet of the tent, Usagi took the time to consider his future. Would he remain in service with Noriyuki or would return to his wanderings? The sound of outside made him lift his head from the bowl and there found himself looking at Chizu. She had returned from her recce. They had said very little lately, but that was due to the fact they had little time to do so. But now that they had the time the pair seemed reluctant to speak. Such was the world. Usagi then wondered about Chizu. More than likely, if the heavens' will it, she will remain with Yasuhira when he becomes lord. Considering that Yasu trusts her implicitly she would be given a position of great authority and power; she would be foolish not to take it. But what about love? Did she love Usagi? Did she love him enough to give up everything for him? Did Usagi love Chizu enough to ask for such a sacrifice? Did he love Chizu at all? The rice was too cold to eat, and it had become tasteless and congealed. He set it down. Maybe he'll eat it later.

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