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Lexa was taking her last box to the bedroom, which was a line of Murphy's beds (the kind that fold against the wall). Indra and Lincoln had already finished unpacking which left Lexa alone to put the last of her stuff away. She was surprised when she saw the Blonde walk into the bedroom.

"Excuse me, Chief Woods?" The girl asked, walking up to Lexa.

"Yes." Lexa asked, turning to face her.

"I was wondering if maybe we could start over. I didn't mean for what you saw earlier to be your first impression of me, and I'd like to apologize on behalf of the entire squad for our behavior."

Lexa remained silent, looking at the girl in front of her. She was very pretty, and you could tell she was fit even through her clothing. Based on the way the others looked at her Lexa could tell she was the leader of the squad. Deciding that it would be much better to start off on the right foot with the girl Lexa decided to cut her a little slack.

"Hi, I'm Lexa, it's nice to meet you." She greeted the blonde, sticking her hand out for her to shake. The blonde grabbed her hand and gave her a nice firm handshake but Lexa noted how it was strong but still somehow soft in a good way.

"Hi Lexa, I'm Clarke Griffin, and I'm happy to meet you."

Lexa smiled at Clarke, happy to be working with her. If she had met Clarke outside of the station at a bar or club, then she would probably flirt a little, and maybe even become friends with her. Lexa couldn't do that now though, that would be unprofessional and distracting, and Clarke would never respect her as the chief. Shaking these thoughts away Lexa set the last of her stuff down and turned to face Clarke.

"I guess we should go to dinner then." She suggested, and Clarke nodded, leading the way to the kitchen.

When they walked in the kitchen, a strong smell of fresh herbs filled Lexa's nose. She saw Lincoln, and one of the other girls from the station, walking around the kitchen cooking several dishes, while everyone else made conversation at the table. Lexa was surprised to see Indra having a conversation with a girl and actually smiling and laughing. Lexa loves Indra like family but she wasn't particularly known to be a social person, and it was nice to see her enjoying herself a little. Clarke was the first to take a seat at the table, and motioned to an empty seat next to her for Lexa to sit in. All of the conversation at the table stopped when they noticed Lexa and this made Lexa a bit sad but she covered it up with a fake smile.

"So my name is Lexa and I was wondering what all of your names were." There was a silence for a few seconds until the boy Lexa remembered as Bellamy started talking.

"Uh hi Lexa, my name is Bellamy, it's nice to meet you." The boy introduced himself with a small smile.

"It's nice to meet you too Bellamy. And who are your friends?"

"This is Octavia my sister, and this is Jasper, Monty, and the girl in the kitchen is Raven." Bellamy said, pointing out each person he introduced.

"It's nice to meet you all officially." Lexa said, flashing them all a small but genuine smile.

Suddenly everyone at the table started talking and telling stories, and Lexa felt much better. She could still be a good chief while also making a few friends...right? Her thoughts were interrupted when Raven and Lincoln walked over with several plates of food.

"Dinner is served." Raven announced, pulling out a chair at the table, while everyone nodded in thanks.

"I'll be right back." Lincoln announces standing from the table. Everyone waited quietly, curious as to what Lincoln went to get. When he returned, he was holding a box of what looked like gummy bears.

"What are those?" Bellamy asked pointing at the box.

"Haha Meme." Raven laughed, and Octavia turned to give her a high five.

"We can't have actual alcohol at the station, so I brought champagne gummy bears instead." Lincoln explained, placing the box on the table.

"Thanks Lincoln." They all chorused together, grabbing handfuls of the bears and tossing them into their mouths.

The rest of the dinner went by smoothly and everyone was laughing and having a good time. Somehow a conversation had started on nicknames and Bellamy went around the table saying everyone who had them. Clarke was princess, Octavia was O, and Bellamy was Bell. Raven Jasper and Monty elected not to have nicknames but Bellamy wanted to give them to Lincoln Indra and Lexa. Indra refused quickly but Lincoln was happy to have one and Lexa thought she might as well if Lincoln does. The group settled on bear for Lincoln but they were struggling with one for Lexa.

"How about Commander." Indra suggested, and the whole table started testing the nickname.

"Thats perfect." Lexa said, smiling at all her co-workers. Maybe station 100 wouldn't be that bad after all. Yes, these weren't the most profesional adults in the world but it's not like they are bad people. Then It hit Lexa. This was bad. She could not grow attached to any of these people or she won't be able to lead them. She needed to step away.

"I have to go." She announced, standing from the table and clearing her plate on the way.

"Are you ok?" Lincoln asked, looking concerned but Lexa didn't respond, and just walked out of the room to the bathroom.

She needed to think and to regroup so she decided to turn on a sink and splash herself with some cold water. That's when the alarm went off signaling a fire. Her first one at station 100. Not even hesitating a little, Lexa ran out of the bathroom over to the lounge where the fire pole was, to slide down to where the underground garage was where the rest of her new squad was already waiting.

"Suit up everyone!" Lexa instructed, running over to do the same herself. This was her first time seeing station 100 in action, and she would have to be ready to help in anyway she could. There was a fire, and they were going to put it out.

Fire (CLEXA AU)Where stories live. Discover now