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"Hey Lexa, come here." Clarke called, from the living room, and Lexa walked over to her. She took a seat next to Clarke on the sofa but became nervous when she saw Clarke was frowning. "Lexa...we need to talk about yesterday."

Lexa did not want to talk about what had happened yesterday though. She had fallen weak to her feelings and kissed Clarke again. Actually to be more specific they were making out for several minutes, but either way it was bad. "I'm sorry, I don't know what your are referring to Clarke." Lexa lied, breaking eye contact.

"Lexa. This is serious." Clarke pushed. "We can't do this, it's too hard."

Lexa looked up from the sofa and into Clarke's eyes, her gaze drawn to them like a magnet. "I know." Lexa admitted, a small frown on her face.

"Lexa, it's better if we are just friends. I won't risk losing you and I'd rather have a friendship with you then nothing at all." Clarke finished, staring into Lexa's eyes.

"Me too." Lexa then stood from the sofa, but leaned down, placing a soft kiss on Clarke's forehead. She then walked to the bedroom and grabbed some things of hers before she left the fire house because their shift was over.

Lexa didn't contact Clarke at all for the next 2 days. What she still felt for Clarke was weakness, and Lexa was the opposite from weak. Finally after 3 days, Lexa took out her phone to text Clarke, missing her way too much to stay away.

"Hey Clarke I was wondering if you wanted to come to the hotel and hangout for the evening (as friends)."

"On my way. What room number are you?"


Lexa set her phone down, smiling at the wall. Clarke was coming. It was only 2 days but she missed her. Today was Wednesday and the 3rd round of the spelling Bee so Lexa hoped Clarke would want to watch it with her to cheer on Aden. About 30 minutes later, Lexa heard a knock on her door and she opened it to see Clarke standing in front of her, in sweatpants and a hoodie, with her hair tied up in a messy bun. Somehow, this was one of the best outfits Lexa had ever seen her wear, and she cursed herself in her head for being so strongly attracted to someone she can't have.

"Sooo, can I come in?" Clarke asked awkwardly, and Lexa shook herself out of her thoughts and stepped aside, allowing Clarke to walk past her. Lexa shut the door behind Clarke and they both went to sit on the bed.

"So I was thinking we could order some food from room service and watch the spelling bee." Lexa explained, grabbing the remote and looking over to Clarke to make sure she was ok with the plan.

"Thank god. I really wanted to watch it but I wasn't sure if you did." Clarke said excitedly, grabbing the remote from Lexa and switching the channels.

Lexa giggled a little at Clarke's excitement for the event, and reached to grab a phone. "What do you want from room service?" Lexa asked, phone in hands.

"Pizza?" Clarke asked, and Lexa responded with a smile and nod, placing the order. When she was done, Clarke turned the volume up, and both girls laid back in bed, eyes focused on the screen in front of them.

This particular round lasted about an hour, and Aden did very well and advanced to the next round. He only had one more night before the finals, where he would have a chance to win the 50,000 dollars. Clarke and Lexa has been eating pizza, and cheering at the screen so loudly that they got several noise complaints from other people in neighboring rooms, but that only made them laugh more.

"Hey Lexa, wanna watch a movie or something?" Clarke asked, and Lexa agreed.

They decided to watch UP, which was a huge mistake when they both started crying through the Ellie and Carl montage.

"I can't believe I forgot how sad this scene is." Clarke said, tears rolling down her cheeks. When Lexa turned to face Clarke, Clarke was surprised to find Lexa was in even worse shape then she was, eyes puffy and watery, and tears flooding down her cheeks like 2 little rivers.

"Aww Lexa, come here." Clarke said, and Lexa shifted closer to Clarke, and felt much better when Clarke pulled her close so Clarke's head was resting on Lexa's chest. "I can't watch you cry Lexa, it's like watching someone abandon a puppy dog. Completely horrible and it just breaks your heart."

Lexa didn't know what to say after Clarke's odd analogy, so she snuggled closer to the girl and continued to watch the rest of the movie. When it was over, both girls were emotionally exhausted. Lexa didn't know why Pixar had a vendetta against her, trying to make her cry all the time but they had been successful whenever Lexa put on a Pixar movie. Wall-E was her favorite, but after tonight with Clarke, it was definitely UP. Then Lexa has a realization. She sat up quickly in bed and looked at Clarke, who looked sad that Lexa had moved.

"What's wrong Lex?" Clarke asked, staring at the girl who had a worried expression.

Lexa had almost forgotten what she was going to say, after Clarke called her Lex, but she was able to recollect her thoughts again.

"Clarke what if you're my Ellie?" Lexa asked, staring right into Clarke's eyes, blue and green meeting once again.

"Well I hope I'm not Ellie, she dies in the beginning of the movie." Clarke jokes, but Lexa still looks worried.

"No that's not what I mean Clarke. I mean what if we are supposed to be together, and we are wasting precious years of our lives?"

Clarke is silent for a second, and breaks eyes contact looking at the bed, so Lexa decides to continue. "Clarke what I feel towards you, I have never felt towards anyone, not even Costia. I don't know how you feel about me but If you are my Ellie, then I say screw the rules of the fire station. Clarke...Let's do this thing."

Clarke didn't respond though, and continued to stare down at the bed below her.

"Clarke?" Lexa asked, now worried for the girl.

"Lexa I have to go." Clarke announced, standing up from the bed. Lexa wanted to stop her, wanted to ask her why she was leaving and ask her to stay, but it was to late. She had gone out the door, leaving Lexa alone. Lexa had just confessed her feelings to the girl, and Clarke couldn't even look her in the eye. Was Lexa wrong to think what she felt was mutual? She couldn't believe it. That wasn't the Clarke she knew.

Lexa's sadness quickly turned to anger though, but even that led her to more sadness again, and the next thing she knew Lexa was crying into her pillow, wishing this was all a bad dream. Why did she have to fall for Clarke? Lexa cried herself to sleep that night, her heart shattered by a girl she didn't even know that well. She was broken, and Clarke was the one who broke her.

Note: awww shoot shit is going down. I think I'll add the next chapter today too because I already have it planned out. Anyways, expect a big event in next few chapters.

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