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"Excuse me are you Aden's family?" A doctor asked, walking over to Clarke, Aden, and Lexa who were now sitting in the waiting room. Charlotte and her dad had already left the hospital after Charlotte was discharged so Clarke, Lexa, and Aden were waiting alone to get news on Aden's mom.

"We are here with him but we aren't family." Lexa explained, hoping the doctor wouldn't say anything that made Aden feel uncomfortable.

"Is Aden's family coming soon? We have some news for everyone regarding Aden's mom." The doctor asked, trying to give the young boy a small sympathetic smile.

"I don't have any other family." Aden explained. "My mom is the only one I have."

Lexa watched as the small smile from the doctor quickly turned to a frown and her eyes began to water a little. "Oh, I see, very well then. May I please speak with your friends quickly Aden?" The doctor asked.

"Yes." Aden nodded, and the doctor motioned for Lexa and Clarke to follow her to a private room. As soon as the door was shut Clarke quickly turned to face the doctor, eager to hear details on Aden's mom. "Is Aden's mom ok?"

The doctor frowned and shook her head no. "I'm so sorry. She didn't make it."

Lexa felt as if a bowling ball dropped in the pit of her stomach. "She's dead?"

"Yes." The doctor confirmed. "She lost a lot of blood in the crash and suffered some pretty bad head trauma. We did everything we could but we just couldn't save her. I'm truly sorry."

"What about Aden?" Clarke asked, her voice cracking and shaky. "He doesn't have any family."

"If that's really true then he will end up in state custody." The doctor explained.

"So you just call Child Protective Services and send him to some facility?" Lexa asked, as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"I'm afraid so." The doctor frowned. "Unless there is some other adult who wants to become his legal guardian."

That was all Lexa needed to hear to make the easiest decision of her entire life. "I'll do it."

"What?" Clarke asked, not following Lexa's train of thought.

"I want to adopt Aden and become his legal guardian." Lexa explained simply, turning to face Clarke. "That is only if he wants me to."

What Lexa just said surprised Clarke at first, but when she thought about it more, it really did make sense. Of course Lexa wouldn't let Aden be alone, and that one of the things Clarke loved about her, but adopting a child?

"Clarke?" Lexa asked, unsure of whether Clarke would approve of the idea.

Clarke took a deep breath and then let out a long sigh. "If you are going to do this have to let me help you. You are a great person Lexa but you can't carry the entire world on your shoulders. I want to help in any way I can, and I'm sure the rest of the squad down at the station will too. That is only if Aden agrees."

Lexa nodded her head and then stepped forward, pulling Clarke into a strong embrace. The next step would be hard. Lexa and Clarke would have to tell Aden his mother didn't make it, and just the thought of that caused both girls to cry a little.

"I'll go get Aden." The doctor said, walking out of the small room to find the boy who's life would never be the same.

"Clarke? Lexa? Where's my mom?" Aden asked, walking into the room.

Lexa and Clarke both exchanged a quick look before moving to bend down in front of Aden. "I'm so sorry Aden. Your mom didn't make it." Lexa said quickly, not wanting to drag out the truth. Lexa watched helplessly as the small bit of hope that shone on Aden's face, was quickly replaced with a look of terror and sadness.

"No." Aden said, taking a step back and shaking his head. "No that's not true."

"I'm so sorry Aden." Lexa said, reaching out a hand to comfort the boy.

"No you are wrong!" Aden yelled angrily, taking another step back. "My mom was fine this morning! She's not gone!"

Lexa turned to look at Clarke who was kneeling next to her now crying, but still trying to help comfort Aden.

"I'm sorry Aden." Lexa repeated, taking another step closer to the boy.

Aden looked as if he were about to speak again but just closed his mouth quickly. Then reality hit the boy like a freight train and everything clicked. "My mom is gone?"

"Yes. I'm so sorry." Clarke confirmed, moving forward next to Lexa and pulling Aden into a hug. Aden broke down in Clarke's arms and immediately started sobbing. Lexa quickly joined the hug, desperately trying to comfort the young boy. Both Clarke and Lexa knew what it was like to lose a parent and both knew it was something that would change his life forever. The three stayed in that room in the hospital for several hours just trying to get through the night. Eventually Aden had gone through so much that he fell asleep so Lexa and Clarke talked to the hospital staff and were given permission to take him to the hotel for the night.

Lexa carried Aden all the way to her room where Clarke helped get him into bed so he could sleep. When they were sure he was safe and comfortable Clarke decided she would sleep in Lexa's hotel room on the couch and Lexa agreed and said she'd do the same, both wanting to be close to Aden.

The next day almost seemed like a bad dream. Aden woke up in Lexa's bed and the two adults took him to get breakfast and then to a special office building in downtown DC where they would talk to people about what would happen to Aden. Aden didn't talk the entire morning but he still followed Lexa and Clarke into the office building. The hospital had already notified the state and arranged the meeting for the day where all legal details would be worked out.

"Hi my name is Morgan, I am here to speak with you all, would you follow me into my office please?" A woman asked, motioning for the 3 to follow her.

Lexa stood up and nodded and Clarke and Aden followed behind her as Morgan led them to her office. It was a small room with a desk and office chair facing 3 other chairs in front. "Please have a seat." Morgan asked, gesturing towards the 3 empty seats in front of her. When everyone was sitting down and settled Morgan pulled a file out and opened it.

"Ok so Aden because you don't have any legal family or guardians we will be sending you back to California state custody. However I have heard that Ms.Woods here is interested in becoming your guardian though. Is that something you might be interested in?"

Lexa watched as Aden looked up from his fidgeting hands and looked from Morgan to herself. "Really?" Aden asked, not able to believe that Lexa would do such a thing.

"Of course Aden. I love you and want to help you and become your family. Only if you want to though." Lexa said, trying to maintain a soft and comforting tone with the sad child.

"Thank you Lexa." Aden whispered, before pulling her in a tight hug. Lexa looked up from the boy to see Clarke watching the whole interaction with teary eyes.

"Ok then." Morgan smiled. "We can arrange to have you two in front of a judge within the next few hours. Aden's mom will be sent back to California where you all can do what you wish with it. Also you should know that the Will was set up already and Aden will be able to hear the reading of the will back in California in several days. I'll give you the details for meeting with the Judge but just make sure to have records, income, living situation, criminal records, and all of your basic documents. I really don't see there being an issue with you gaining at least temporary parental custody considering the extreme circumstances." Morgan explained.

"Thank you Morgan." Lexa said, standing and shaking her hand.

"It was no problem. I'm sorry for your loss."

Aden didn't respond to Morgan but instead stood up from his chair and moved to give Lexa a tight hug which she quickly reciprocated. It was going to be a long few days, however they were going to make it through this. Together.

An: this is probably not how this works custody wise but for the story it's just easier that they give Lexa guardianship and also I couldn't bear the though of Aden being sent to live in some state facility or something also as you may have noticed I never gave Aden's mom a name. Names make me emotionally attached to people so that's why I didn't name her cause I knew she was going to be killed.

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