Bad dreams and Pancakes

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"Lexa? Clarke?" A voice called out, waking up both girls. Lexa sat up quickly and heard what sounded like crying.

"Aden?" Clarke asked, then quickly noticed that Aden was standing in the doorway of the guest bedroom crying.

"Come here Aden." Clarke called out, and Aden quickly ran over to Clarke. Clarke pulled him into a hug, and he started crying even harder.

"Do you want to stay in here with us?" Lexa asked, not wanting to leave the boy alone.

Aden nodded his head and Clarke moved so Aden could crawl into the large bed in between the two girls. Both Clarke and Lexa immediately wrapped Aden into a hug, and held him close as he continued to cry.

"I miss her so much." Aden got out between tears.

"I'm so sorry Aden. I know what it's like." Lexa frowned, brushing some hair out of his face.

"What do you mean?" Aden asked sitting up.

"I lost both of my parents in a fire when I was young." Lexa explained weakly.

"I lost my dad and a few other people too." Clarke added, and Aden slowly started to stop crying.

"How did you make it through it?" Aden asked.

"It's hard." Lexa started. "But if you can find people who love you and you remember that she wants you to be happy then it gets easier." Lexa explained.

"What if I can't?" Aden asked, voice cracking.

"You already have Aden." Clarke explained. "I love you, Lexa loves you, Marcus and Abby already love you, all of the firefighters down at the station love you, and so many more people."

Aden sniffled a little and wiped away a few tears. "Why did you take me in Lexa?"

Lexa thought about her answer and then smiled a little. "Because if I didn't then Clarke would have probably beat me to it, and I couldn't let that happen."

Lexa's joke made all three of them laugh briefly before Aden snuggled in between the two people he loved. "I'm really glad I have both of you."

"We are glad we have you too." Clarke and Lexa chorused together, and all 3 fell asleep again.


It was the next morning and the 3 were delighted to wake up to the smell of pancakes being made. Lexa walked into the kitchen first with Clarke and Aden right behind her.

"Guys? What are you doing here?" Lexa asked, as she looked around the kitchen to see the entire squad there.

"Hey Lexa, Clarke, we came to see Aden." Octavia explained, walking over to Aden who had a massive smile on his face. Octavia lifted Aden in the air hugging him tightly and the rest of the squad joined in as Clarke and Lexa just watched smiling.

When they set Aden down Lincoln ran to the kitchen counter and grabbed a plate of pancakes. "Does our national spelling bee champion like pancakes?" Lincoln asked.

"Yes!" Aden exclaimed happily. "Thank you!"

"No problem little guy. Let's eat." Lincoln said, leading Aden over to the kitchen table where Aden, Lincoln, Raven, and Bellamy sat. Clarke and Lexa went to sit in barstools in front of the kitchen counter and talk with the rest of the squad. Although Clarke had given them some information on Aden, there was still a lot of stuff they didn't know about that Lexa wanted to explain while Lincoln, Raven and Bellamy were talking with Aden.

Lexa told them about the car crash and her gaining temporary parental custody of Aden. She then told them about how they would stay at a Clarke's mom's house and how she would also be looking for a new house and taking a break from work to get Aden settled. She also spoke about the funeral for Aden's mom which would take place in two days but they did have anyone to invite so it would just be Aden, Charlotte and her dad, and the fire squad. When Lexa had finished everything, she could see everyone seemed uncharacteristically quiet until finally Monty spoke up.

"What you are doing is very good Lexa." Monty said, offering Lexa a small smile.

Lexa returned the smile and looked down at her breakfast. "When I lost my parents I wish I had a family and people who loved me. If I can give that to Aden then I will. I really do love him."

After breakfast the squad said goodbye and headed off to the station except for Clarke and Lexa. Lexa had told Clarke she didn't have to stay but Clarke explained that she felt the same way Lexa did in regards to Aden and she wouldn't leave him anytime soon.

The 3 decided to go upstairs and watch a movie on Lexa's laptop and they ended up watching UP. Clarke told Aden all about the story behind the balloons in DC and Aden couldn't help but smile during the whole story.

"You really left the patio door open?" Aden asked in disbelief.

"I did." Clarke explained, laughing too.

"It was a very sweet gesture though." Lexa said, giving Clarke some credit even if the execution of the idea wasn't the best.

"Thank you Lex." Clarke smiled.

"What's going on with you guys now anyways?" Aden asked, surprising both Lexa and Clarke.

"What do you mean Aden?" Lexa asked curiously.

"You two realize that you both like each other right? I mean I saw you guys in bed together last night and you were definitely spooning."

"How do you know what spooning is?" Clarke asked, unable to conceal her laughter.

"Clarke this is the national spelling bee champion, he knows all the words." Lexa explained somewhat pridefully.

"It's true." Aden shrugged. "But Anyways back to you two. You know it's ok for you guys to date and stuff. I love both of you and I want you to be happy. If it works out, then that's great and if it doesn't I'll be ok with that too because I know I will still have you both."

"You are so smart." Clarke commented, astonished by the young boy's wisdom.

"He really is." Lexa agreed. "And he's right too. Clarke, wanna be my girlfriend?" Lexa asked, getting straight to the point.

"Yes I do." Clarke smiled, leaning in to give Lexa a kiss.

"Noooo!" Aden yelled, covering his eyes with his hands. "I'm still a child! Keep it PG!"

"Kissing is definitely PG." Lexa argued back jokingly.

"Not the way you guys do it. Trust me." Aden laughed, shaking his head disapprovingly as Clarke and Lexa both started laughing.

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