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Note: big shoutout to the 6 people who are reading this story...Y'all keep me going haha also this is my new favorite thing:   ;-;
It looks like a cute little boxer dude
I love wattpad people

"Let's go!" Lexa yelled, ushering the others onto the truck. The fire they were going to was at an abandoned factory, a few miles north of the station. The building was already very unstable, and they don't have very long to get there before the whole thing collapses.

Bellamy started the truck and they took off towards the fire, sirens ringing and lights flashing. "So there is word that a bunch of teenagers camped in the building overnight and they are all stuck in the basement." Bellamy explained, as he drove quickly, avoiding other cars.

"Ok, I'll lead a team down there and you go with everyone else to search for anyone else." Lexa ordered, as they grew closer to the fire.

"And the building?"

"The building was already about to collapse anyways. We just need to focus on getting people out before that happens, and the fire won't spread because it's on a closed off lot." Lexa explained.

Bellamy pulled up to the lot, and everyone got out. "Clarke, Lincoln, Raven, with me, everyone else with Bellamy!" Lexa yelled, and everyone nodded their heads.

They split up to search for the teenagers, Lexa's team heading to the basement, and Bellamys, upstairs. Lexa was the first down, with Clarke behind her and Lincoln and Raven following.

"Is anyone down here?!" Lexa called out, and she got a loud response.

"Yes please help!" A boy yelled, and the four firefighters came rushing over. There were 4 teenagers, trapped behind a giant Column that had fell in front of them.

"Hey Lincoln I need you to smash through that wooden column." Lexa instructed, and Lincoln grabbed his axe and started slashing away. Eventually there was enough space for the teens to get out, and Lexa Clarke and Raven helped them out one by one as Lincoln held the column up.

When everyone was on the other side, Lexa asked if there was anyone else down there but the teenagers said no.

"Ok Lincoln and Raven, and Clarke, you lead these guys up there first and I'll be right behind."

Everyone nodded and started to walk up the stairs. The fire was spreading quickly though, and Lexa knew it wouldn't be long before all of the support system of the building caught ablaze, and it all came tumbling down.

Everyone had made it up the stairs, and they were all running through the main floor of the building, trying to get to the front door before the building collapsed. Then it happened. The floor above them came falling down, and it trapped Lexa, pinning her to the ground.

"Ahh!" Lexa screamed out in pain, as wood trapping her in the building that would soon crush her.

"Lexa!" Clarke yelled, rushing over to her.

"Get out of here! The whole building is going to fall down!" Lexa ordered, and Lincoln nodded his head, dragging Raven and the other 4 teens out of the building but Clarke stayed.

"Clarke get out, you have to leave me." Lexa begged, but Clarke just got closer to Lexa and started trying to lift the heavy wood pinning her down.

"Clarke please." Lexa continued "you have to go."

But Clarke was too determined, she wasn't just going to leave Lexa. She could never leave Lexa. She continued to struggle trying to free Lexa, when she heard other people behind her. The entire squad came to help.

"Lift on 3!" Bellamy yelled, and they lifted, freeing Lexa.

"Let's go!" Lexa yelled, and they all ran out of the building. 10 seconds later and they would have all been dead, because the building has completely collapsed.

"Thank you." Lexa barley go out, as she fell to the ground trying to fill her lungs with air.

The entire squad knelt down beside her and they were able to get some guys from an EMS that had just arrived to come over and help Lexa.

"I'm fine." Lexa insisted, shrugging off medical attention, but then she got a scary look from Clarke that made her change her mind. "Ok you guys can look at me." Lexa agreed, walking towards the EMS. She didn't want Clarke to worry or anything, so it would be easier to just go talk to them and make sure she wasn't bleeding internally or anything from being crushed like she was. When Lexa was cleared, she walked back over the her squad that was hanging out at the truck waiting for her.

"Thank you. You all saved my life at the risk of your own."

Everyone smiled and nodded their heads, before jumping on top of Lexa and forcing her into a giant group hug. It was at this moment Lexa knew she could trust these people with her life, because they had just saved it, and she could trust them to do it again.

The ride back home was filled with singing, as Bellamy blasted some music on the radio, loud enough so even everyone who was hanging on the outside of the truck could hear. When they got back to the station, everyone split off to go change and shower, but Lexa went to the kitchen to grab some Advil. Who knew getting crushed by a ceiling could give you suck a headache?

After Lexa swallowed the pills, she turned around to see Clarke staring at her, tears in her eyes.

"Clarke?" Lexa asked worriedly, walking towards the girl in front of her.

Clarke didn't say anything. Instead she just wrapped her arms around Lexa's neck, pulling her into a tight hug. "This is going to be a lot harder then I thought." Clarke whispered, and Lexa could feel her warm breath on her neck, which sent shivers down her spine, but she chose to ignore that feeling. She and Clarke had already spoken about this, and nothing could happen. That still didn't mean Lexa couldn't be close with Clarke.

"Clarke you should have left me." Lexa said, still holding Clarke in the tight hold.

"I wouldn't be able to if I wanted to Lexa." Clarke explained, pulling away from the hug for a second to brush some hair out of Lexa's face.

"I don't know if that's good or bad yet Clarke." Lexa admitted, taking a step back.

"It's good. It means I won't let you die."

"Yeah but what if the whole building fell down and you had died in there Clarke?" Lexa asked, her voice cracking a little.

"Then you wouldn't care, because you would have probably died too." Clarke joked, a small smile spreading across her face.

Lexa laughed a little, and smiled back at Clarke, staring into her sincere blue eyes. And that's when Lexa realized she couldn't die today without Clarke knowing how she truly felt.

"I...I don't think I can do this Clarke." Lexa admitted, sighing. There was a silence for about 10 seconds, until Lexa grabbed Clarke's hand which surprised her. Lexa pulled Clarke behind her, out of the fire house, and to the back of the building. She then pressed Clarke against the brick wall, and kissed her. Clarke kissed Lexa back, and the two stayed there, simply enjoying the other, and never wanting to stop. Kissing turned into making out, which finally ended with the two breathless, leaning their foreheads against each other, just soaking up the other persons company.

They were too weak to control their own feelings, and they both found that they couldn't control themselves around the other. Lexa didn't regret kissing Clarke. If they were to die tomorrow or in a month, or in a year, she was glad she got to at least kiss Clarke one last time. This would be the last time, Lexa told herself, over and over in her head. But that still doesn't mean it wouldn't be great if Lexa was wrong. If there was some reality where she could be with Clarke. If there was some way.

Fire (CLEXA AU)Where stories live. Discover now