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So it turned out that the fire from the hotel wasn't real, and it was just some kid pulling the alarm. Lexa was happy that Clarke was in DC to Surpoligize to her (half surprise half apology) and she was excited they could watch the spelling bee final together. Everyone started going back into the hotel, and Clarke and Lexa walked in together talking the whole way, and they didn't even notice they walked to Lexa's room together.

Lexa put her key card in, still mid conversation with Clarke, and then Clarke realized where she was.

"Shit Lex, I didn't even realize we walked to your room, my room isn't even on this floor." Clarke explained, embarrassed. "I'm gonna go but I'll see you tomorrow." Clarke started to walk away but Lexa grabbed her arm.

"Wait Clarke." Lexa pulled Clarke close to her connecting their lips in a short but sweet kiss.

When they pulled away, Lexa couldn't help the smile that was spreading across her face. "I like kissing you Clarke."

"I like kissing you too Lexa." And with that Clarke walked away, walking back to the elevator and towards her room. Lexa let out a content sigh, and opened her door, walking to her bed and falling asleep. Clarke wanted her. That was all the peace Lexa needed to let her mind drift off into sweet, sweet, sleep.


"Hello everyone! Welcome to the national spelling bee finals! Tonight is the night we will crown our champion and award the lucky child $50,000!"

The audience cheered, along with Clarke and Lexa who were sitting in the 3rd row of the audience watching eagerly. Aden was sitting up on stage with the other contestants, and Lexa could tell the boy was nervous.

"He's gonna do great Lexa." Clarke said, watching Lexa look towards Aden.

"Yes he will." Lexa agreed, turning to face Clarke.

The spelling bee went fast, and before long it was down to the final two. Aden, and a girl named Charlotte. Charlotte has gotten the final word wrong, and all Aden needed to do to win is get the word right.

"Aden, your final word is glaucous."

Lexa watched as Aden swallowed hard, closing his eyes briefly before answering.

"Glaucous. G-L-A-U-C-O-U-S, glaucous."

"Congratulations Aden, that is correct."

Lexa and Clarke both jumped up from their seats cheering as confetti started to fall from the ceiling. Then all of a sudden Charlotte the other girl on stage collapsed onto the ground. The fire fighter inistinct in both girls kicked in and Clarke and Lexa both ran from their seats in the audience and up on stage to help the young girl.

"She's having a seizure!" Lexa yelled, and Clarke moved to help steady her. The girl was shaking in their arms and they needed to make sure she didn't hit her head on the ground.

"Someone call 911!" Clarke yelled out, and one of the producers was quick to follow her instruction.

"Get the other kids out of here they don't need to be watching this." Lexa said, and another producer followed her instruction, quickly moving to take the other kids out of the room.

"Charlotte?!" A man from the audience called out, and he ran up to the stage and quickly kneeled down next to Clarke and Lexa.

"Are you doctors?"

"No." Lexa answered him. "Fire fighters."

"Sir is your daughter epileptic?" Clarke asked, and he shook his head no.

"Can you briefly give us her medical history?" Lexa asked, still trying to hold the girl still while Clarke moved to loosen the girls clothing and clear the space around her.

"She doesn't have a medical history with anything significant. She had a fever this morning but she seemed fine and said she wanted to compete so I let her."

Lexa moved a hand to check the girls temperature. "She's burning up. I'd guess at least 104."

"Shit she needs to go to the hospital, that's very high for a young child." Clarke commented, still holding the girl still.

"Will she be ok?" The father asked.

"We are doing everything in our power to help your daughter sir." Lexa said, knowing to never make any promises she can't keep when it comes to medical issues. About five minutes went by and Charlotte was still seizing.

"EMS is here!" One of the producers shouted, and Lexa looked up to see a team of first responders rush over to them with a stretcher.

"Girl, age 11, has been seizing for 5 minutes, father said she had a fever this morning and her temperature feels like it's about 104." Lexa told the first responders, filling them in on the current situation.

"Thank you. We can take it from here." One of the medics said, switching spots with Lexa.

Lexa and Clarke both stood up and backed away to make sure the medics had room to work. Then Lexa turned to Clarke and pulled her into a hug.

"Great Work Clarke."

"You too Lex."

The two pulled away and then Clarke noticed something. "Uh Lexa, you might want to turn around."

Lexa turned around to see what Clarke was looking at and was surprised to see that almost every single person in the audience had their cameras out pointing at Clarke and Lexa.

"Well, that will probably be on YouTube later." Lexa sighed, looking all around the room.

"Probably." Clarke agreed, giggling a little.

"Well it looks like these guys are taking care of Charlotte, What do you say we go find Aden and congratulate him on his victory?" Lexa suggested.

"That's a great idea. Let's go." Clarke said, grabbing Lexa's hand and dragging her off stage to find where all of the kids went.

Fire (CLEXA AU)Where stories live. Discover now