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It had been a little under a month since DC and Aden and Lexa were doing pretty good. Lexa has taken a leave of absence from the fire station, leaving Indra in charge of the station. Lexa wanted to be there for Aden and if she had to stay multiple days in a row at the station, then she wouldn't be able to do that. The funeral for Aden's mom was a small event and everyone was able to get through it. Lexa and Clarke both stayed with Aden at his moms grave for several hours after the service, and just waited with him as he said his goodbyes. Aden was grateful for having both girls with him, but Clarke and Lexa said he didn't need to thank them and that they just wanted to be there for him.

Once all of the stuff with Aden's mom was taken care of, it was time for Aden to start school again, something that would prove to be very difficult for the young boy. Luckily for Aden, Charlottes dad let Charlotte switch schools so they could be at the same school together which made both kids happy, but still Aden was struggling, trying not to breakdown during classes, whenever he thought of his mom. Charlotte was a great friend to Aden though and helped him through a lot of what he was struggling with.

One day Aden came home from school and couldn't stop crying for hours, but Marcus was actually the one who could comfort him the best that day. The two bonded super quickly and like to spend the weekends hanging out together now. Luckily for Lexa, Marcus and Abby both took strong likings to Lexa and Aden, and they all started to get super close. Clarke tried to come over to hang out with Aden and Lexa constantly, but she still was working at the station for 4 days a week which didn't leave too much time for anything else.

When Clarke was able to come over, she usually planned on leaving but always ended up spending the night in Lexa's bed anyways, which never seemed to surprise anyone in the house. Marcus and Abby weren't surprised at all when Clarke and Lexa told them they were dating, and they said Marcus won a bet about them getting together that they had made after thanksgiving.

Today was a big day for Lexa because she was going to look at potential houses so she could get out of Marcus and Abby's hair. Lexa invited Clarke and Aden to come with her and they all were happy to go do something fun together.

"Hey Clarke." Lexa smiled, greeting Clarke who had just pulled up to pick up Lexa and Aden.

"Hey Lex." Clarke greeted her, leaning across the car to give Lexa a kiss. Aden got in the back of the car and Clarke turned around to greet him.

"Hey Aden, I missed you so much, I have so many stories to tell you from the fire station about last shift."

"I missed you too Clarke. I can't wait." Aden smiled, buckling his seatbelt. What Aden said was very much true. He missed Clarke a lot. Not that he didn't love having Lexa, but when Clarke was gone it was like something was missing, and he hated that feeling. He also knew Lexa felt the same way, but she'd never admit it, just like how Clarke wouldn't either. Not unless one of them started that conversation. There was one thing that gave Aden a lot of hope though. He spoke with Lexa about the possibility of Clarke one day joining their little family and Aden could not be more supportive of the idea. He missed Clarke, maybe even just as much as Lexa, and that's saying a lot because it's clear how much Lexa misses her when she's away.

"So...are you two excited to see my new potential house?" Lexa asked, looking between Clarke and Aden.

"Definitely." Aden agreed, nodding his head happily.

"Me too, although I'm going to need a new excuse to come over all of the time now that I can't use the I'm going to see my mom and Marcus one."

"You don't need an excuse to come over Clarke." Lexa responded, earning a grateful smile from her girlfriend.

When the 3 pulled up in front of the house, everyone's mouth's dropped. It was a gorgeous and massive home that was 2 stories and on a massive well maintained property. Everyone got out of the car, and stood in a row in front of the mansion just staring at it.

"Lexa this is a mansion, can you even afford this?" Clarke asked, looking at the house in front of them.

"I didn't tell you did I?" Lexa asked, letting out a small laugh.

"Tell me what?"

"Clarke, Aden, I'm rich."

"What?!" Clarke and Aden chorused together, turning their attention from the house in front of them to Lexa who was laughing.

"I can't believe I forgot to tell you guys."

"Why did you accept the chief firefighter job then?" Clarke asked, looking at Lexa eyes wide.

"Because Clarke, it's not about the job for me, it's about the people. And thank god I took that job or we wouldn't have met Aden." Lexa responded, putting a hand on Aden's shoulder.

"Wait how rich are you?" Aden asked, now very curious about this giant detail he didn't know about Lexa.

"Last I checked I'm at about 800 million. Why?"

"800 million?!" Aden asked, eyes wide.

"Yeah. Used to be like 2 billion but I gave more then half to charity. I don't believe in billionaires."

"Of course you did." Clarke smiled, knowing that of course Lexa would do that. That one of the things that Clarke loves about Lexa.

"We should probably go in and check out the house now, I bet the real estate agent has been waiting on us for a few minutes." Lexa suggested walking forward.

Clarke and Aden exchanged a quick look of disbelief before running to catch up with Lexa.

The house tour was amazing, and once it was over, the real estate agent left the house to give Lexa some time to think about whether or not she wants it. The house was massive and had 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and a pool out back, that Aden immediately fell in love with.

"So...what do you guys think?" Lexa asked, watching Clarke and Aden very carefully.

"I love it!" Aden exclaimed, looking around the massive house again.

"What about you Clarke?"

"Well...I love it too, but I won't be living here so really it's just up to you and Aden."

"Actually...that's something I wanted to talk to you about. I already spoke to Aden here about it, and we both miss you when you aren't with us Clarke. I know we've only been officially dating for just under a month, but would you want to move in with me and Aden?"

Clarke looked at Lexa who has a nervous but hopeful look in her eyes, and then looked at Aden and saw the exact same expression. These were the two people she cared about most in her life, of course she wanted to move in with them.

"I would love to." Clarke smiled, stepping forward, and pulling Lexa and Aden into a hug.

They were happy. All 3 of them. They would finally get to live together and become a family. Their lives would never be the same.

"I guess we should go let the real estate agent know we are taking it." Lexa laughed, pulling away from the hug.

"Can we go get ice cream?" Aden asked, grabbing one of Lexa's hands and one of Clarke's hands.

"Sure. In fact...Clarke and I know a place."

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