Final Part

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Lexa clinked her knife on her glass to get everyone's attention, and the entire house went silent. "Excuse me everyone, I would just like to say something quickly."

Lexa looked around the living room and for the first time realized that she had finally let a lot of people into her life. Here she is in her new house with her new family, ready to start the journey of the rest of her life. Sitting in front of her is the fire squad, Marcus and Abby, Charlotte and her dad, Aden, and Clarke.

Lexa felt her eyes tear up a little but shook off the feelings to continue her speech. "I just wanted to thank you all. I'm not very good at letting people into my life. It's very hard to breakdown the walls I put up to protect myself but all of you have done it and I'm so thankful that you have. I could not be happier to have Aden in my life. Aden I love you endlessly and I can't even begin to express how happy I am to finally have legal custody over you. You are legally my son now and I'm so excited to grow with you every single day. I know you are loved by everyone in this room and I can't thank everyone enough for being so supportive. There is one person who I need to say an extra special thank you to. Clarke, I honestly don't know what I would do without you. You make me a better person and I can't believe you are going to live with me and Aden. This is the family I've always wanted. I am known to have trouble expressing my feelings and I know we haven't been dating for too long but I need to tell you something and I want to tell you in front of everyone I care about."

Clarke stood up from her seat next to Aden and walked over to Lexa, grabbing her hands and rubbing small circles with her thumbs.

Lexa took a deep breath and then continued. "Clarke Griffin...I love you."

Lexa could tell that Clarke was shocked, not only because she knows how hard it is for Lexa to admit her feelings out loud, but also because she did it in front of everyone they care about. Lexa was scared Clarke didn't feel the same, and scared that she moved too fast. All of her fears slipped away though when Clarke leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss that answered all of their questions. Lexa could hear ohh's and ahh's from the guests of their new home party but she just smiled into the kiss, knowing that Clarke felt the same. When they pulled away, Clarke cupped Lexa's face with her hand and blue and green met and the rest of the world washed away.

"I love you too Lexa." Clarke whispered, and then there was a sudden roar of applause. Lexa felt a sudden force grab onto her and realized that Aden had run up and hugged them. Clarke and Lexa both laughed a little, pulling the boy closer and smiling at everyone around them.

"And we both love you too Aden." Clarke added, receiving the most adorable smile from the young kid. Eventually everyone else at the party had joined the hug too and they were all in a massive group hug, and both Lexa and Aden knew they had people who cared about them.

When the party was over, everyone left leaving just Clarke, Aden, and Lexa, alone in their new home. "So Aden, what do you want to do now?" Clarke asked, and Lexa could tell Aden already had an idea.

"Can we all go watch a movie?"

"Of course." Clarke and Lexa responded together, and the three of them settled down under a blanket cuddled up together, and watched a movie until they had all fallen asleep. They were truly happy together.


It's finally Clarke׳s birthday and Lexa has a giant plan for a surprise party. Lexa and Aden started off the morning by serving Clarke breakfast in bed which they all ended up eating together. After that, the 3 went to the park where they went to play together because Clarke insisted she just wanted to spend time with the two people she loved most. Lexa and Aden pretended like they had nothing special planned for the rest of the day and Lexa was delighted to see Clarke was falling for it. The only thing Lexa told Clarke was that they had a dinner reservation at 7:00pm with just herself Clarke and Aden and that they would give her their presents then.

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