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{DABI'S POV}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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The blaze of human flesh had just reached its full potential by the time I escaped the vicinity. Just in time, too, because the fire caught the attention of the night shift officers. I watched from the shadows as they took in the scene. Bakugou, unconscious on the sidewalk and (L/N) (Y/N) on fire in the parking lot.

Or who they could only assume to be (L/N).

I made sure that anything that could identify a body had been removed, the fire would take care of the face and shape of the body. I assumed it wouldn't burn long or hot enough to get rid of the bones or teeth. So in preparation I found a woman who was about her height. After that I pulled her teeth and waited until it was time to swap their places.

Their expressions were my favorite part. I knew what they were thinking, I could read their lips as well as their thoughts. How could they have let this happen when they were just inside? I watched one check Bakugou's pulse while another got urgently on the phone. How sad it must be, the police having to call with an emergency of their own.

I pulled my hood over my head and kept my gaze low as I walked away to find my car. Originally I parked it in the street just far enough away to avoid any cameras. But after switching the bodies I moved it.

I couldn't miss the opportunity to watch the aftermath, but starting a car or even sitting in a running car in the same area is incriminating enough.

I walked the few short blocks and sat in my car for a moment before driving off. The journey was a good thirty minutes out of the city, but with all the adrenaline I was there in a blink of an eye. I parked the car in the garage and made sure it was closed before opening the trunk.

When I did I was glad to see she was still unconscious.

I pulled her out of the trunk and dragged her into the house and down the stairs. The unfinished basement was cold. Pipes made up the ceiling and the walls were primarily concrete. A few wooden support beams adorned the space and I made use of the one furthest away from the stairs.

The corner was dark. The lighting was yellow and muted, on top of it they flickered every few seconds. I didn't care too much, however, I wasn't the one who would be spending all my time down here.

Once her hands were secured around the pole, I felt her shifting.

No doubt she would wake up with a killer headache, I wonder how much she even remembers.

She let out a soft groan, I briefly considered knocking how out again to get her to shut up. I sat against the wall in front of her as I waited. Waited to tell her she is going to be presumed dead and tell her all about my version of what just happened.

Murders in Tokyo |Bakugou x Reader x Dabi|| Where stories live. Discover now