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{DABI'S POV}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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I slammed the bottle of booze back down onto the table in frustration. Shigaraki would be here soon, but this time he was invited. As much as he annoyed me he was useful in moments like these, his sadistic side was more appealing when I was getting desperate.

And when I was drunk.

"Why did she have to scream?" I muttered to myself, "Why did I have to let my guard down? She outsmarted me, I hate it, things would just be so much easier if she was on our side," I took another swig of alcohol. "What am I talking about? Recruit a detective! What a shit idea, but if it worked..."

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts and I scowled. "Why do you always lock your door?"

"Why do you think?" I replied. I got up from my seat, stumbling a little from the alcohol as I did so. I made my way to the door to unlock it quite shakily.

Shigaraki entered with a solemn look on his face, "How on earth could you fuck up this badly?"

"That little bitch played dirty," I spoke, sulking down on the couch. I glanced back to where my booze sat on the kitchen counter. "Go grab my whiskey, I think better when I'm drunk."

Shigaraki muttered to himself as he went to grab my alcohol. He took a swig himself before handing it me. "What are you supposed to do? You can't go out in public anymore they know your face! It doesn't help that you have those ugly ass burns to make urself even more noticeable."

"Well then, enlighten me, Shigaraki. How can I get rid of my burns?" I took a long drink of whiskey.

Shigaraki ran a hand down his face, "I don't know, couldn't you just wear a face mask?"

I sighed, the idea wasn't a bad one but it wouldn't work. "What about the burns under my eyes? Dammit, why do things have to be so difficult!"

"Quit your whining," Shigaraki scolded. I hated him telling me not to whine, Shigaraki was the king of complaining and here he was trying to tell me to keep my trap shut. "Now, I know someone who might be able to help, she should be here in a few minutes."

"What are you planning?" I narrowed my eyes at him, my annoyance bubbled at his lack of communication on who would all be coming to my house.

Shigaraki smiled at me, it wasn't a genuine one, it was a mischievous smirk that told me I wouldn't enjoy whatever was to come. "What skin tone do you think you are? Pale and pasty?"

"What do you mean skin tone?" I demanded, "Can't you tell just by looking at me?"

"Well, apparently it's not that easy," Shigaraki sighed, "I don't know we'll have to wait for the little shit to arrive."

"Why would the need my skin tone?" I huffed, confused and annoyed. My annoyance was mainly directed at the nuisance who managed to live.

All I wanted to do was get back at Kurogiri, that pain in the ass always acts like he's so polite but he's underhanded on the best of days.

The door bell rang and Shigaraki got up right away, muttering something I couldn't really catch. I took another long gulp of my alcohol as I dove deeper into my thoughts.

If people are after me maybe I should just cut to the chase right away, kill the Lieutenants instead of sticking with the Falcons who were always replaceable.

My plotting was interrupted by a high pitched voice that was followed by an annoying giggle, "Hi, my name's Toga, Shigaraki invited me to help cover up your burns."

"With what exactly?" I snapped a little, I expected her to flinch or to become a little weary but she did nothing of the sort. She just laughed again. This girl is more off the rails than I am.

"Well," Toga pulled the bag off her back and set it on the table, she bent down and rummaged through it before pulling up small containers, which I could only assume was makeup. They were all relatively the same color, hell, some of the were the same color. "Do you know your skin tone?"

I resisted the urge to punch her, too many people have been asking me what my skin tone was. "Does it look like I know what my skin tone is."

Another psychotic giggle, "Good point, then give me your arm."

"Why the hell would I do that?" My relaxed posture moved into something more defensive.

Toga pouted, "Do you want to cover up those cute burns of yours or not?"

Cute? I looked at Shigaraki and he shrugged. "Fine," I growled.

I roughly held out my arm and she took it, "Burns on your arm too?" She giggled, "This is going to take a lot of foundation."

"Or I could just wear long sleeves," I commented, ignoring how stupid I felt when she put the first bit of foundation on my hand.

"Where's the fun in that?" She asked, putting on more swatches of makeup.

"It's not supposed to be fun," I spoke tensely, I still wanted to kick her or do something to wipe that grin off her face. "None of this is."

"Killing people is tons of fun!" Toga giggled more sadistically than before, something I didn't think was possible. "That's why you went after that detective, right? Because you got the rush from your first victim and just couldn't stop yourself!"

"That wasn't quite it, but something along those lines," I muttered. I didn't need to be reminded of my failures. "Now," I demanded, "Are you almost done?"

"One more," she said, trying out the last bit of foundation, she paused for a moment, considering her options, "This one," she held up a bottle that was pale and looked like it could match my skin decent enough. "Do you want me to show you how to put it on?"

"No, now get out," I snatched the foundation from her and she pouted.

"Not even a thank you?" Toga's pout quickly turned into a grin, "Well, fine, just make sure to put it on evenly, wouldn't want you looking patchy!"

"Come on, Toga," Shigaraki finally spoke, "it's time to go."

"Alright, Shiggy, just give me a second," she began to pack her things together and before she left she turned to say one more thing, "If you need anything else, let me know, I love playing makeup!"

After the door was shut I turned to Shigaraki, "That was your best solution? Next time pick someone a little more sane."

"She doesn't talk," Shigaraki pointed out, "You think I could just give anyone your home address and they wouldn't rat on you?"

I sighed, looking at the foundation in my hands, "This'll do for now."

"Is getting back at Kurogiri even worth going to jail at this point?" Shigaraki asked, "I know you pissed at him, but you're going to look like an idiot if you get thrown in the slammer while trying to get revenge."

"I know," I waved his thoughts away, "That's why I'm not going to go to jail. At least not until that sack of gets there first."

I love this chapter more than words can express, I love Toga is I'm being honest. I just find her funny.

Anyway I thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!

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