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"What do you remember about your brother?"

Shoto rested his hands on the table, taking a moment to consider my question.

I prepared for another pompous asshole, someone similar to Enji, but was surprised when I met someone like Shoto. He chose a simple ramen shop rather than renting out an entire section of a fancy restaurant to have this conversation. He was considerate with his words, choosing them carefully and remained transparent throughout out conversation.

"He was very determined," Shoto replied, glancing around. His eyes settled on the empty seat at the table before meeting mine once again. "And he didn't like me very much. Now I realize it was because he saw me as competition. Feeling second best to a younger sibling must be a hard pill to swallow."

I nodded, jotting down notes. An empty feeling had taken residence inside of me. When I made the reservations, I had forgotten that I was now working solo. Now an empty chair sat at the table, constantly reminding of my guilt and why I need to succeed.

If (Y/N) dying wasn't bad enough, Kirishima has gone missing as well.

"Did your father intent to create a competitive environment?"

Where could Kirishima have gone? He wouldn't leave without telling anyone, and his absence at work the past few days was troubling. No one had seen him and we were all beginning to expect the worst.

My mind was continuing to whir, working through all the unknown parts of my life. Every variable seemed to be working against me and I continued with my day to day life out of sheer spite.

"Excuse me?" Shoto's voice shattered me out of stupor. Rather than frustration, he wore a look curiosity laced with sympathy.

God, I hate being on the receiving end of pity.

"Lost my train of thought," I replied. I sat back in my chair to fake relaxation. "Can you repeat yourself?"

Shoto nodded, clearing his throat a little before reiterating, "I don't think he meant to. My father was only focused on what would be best for him and the company, emotion was foreign to him. Maybe he expected some disappointment, but I don't think he ever considered it a competition."

I jotted down some more notes while wondering if I'll ever look at them again.

"Do you have any guesses about where your brother might have run off to?"

Shoto shook his head. "That's the thing, I could never see him making a run for it. For him it was always about dignity, getting the last laugh. Running wouldn't accomplish that."

I dwelled on this information for a second before asking my next question. "You think he left the country and came back in a disguise?"

"I don't think he ever left the country."

"Expand on that."

Shoto shrugged while he took a bite of his soba. "I think he had one of his lackies do it for him in order to send you all on a wild goose chase."

I couldn't help but feel bit a angry at his comments. Could I have really been wasting my time? Is Dabi really that many steps ahead of me? My teeth began grinding against one another.

I glanced up from my notebook to see Shoto taking this silence as an opportunity to finish his food.

I ran a hand through my hair. "Anything else you think I should know?"

Shoto shrugged. "He was always very fond of mind games."

"Yeah, he's a manipulative son of a bitch."

"He always has been." Shoto commented. I let silence settle between us in order to motivate him to continue. But he wasn't the type of person who felt the need to fill silence with nothing.

"Any examples?"

"Like stories from my childhood?" I didn't miss the slight grimace when I nodded. I guess none of the Todoroki's had childhoods I would envy.

He sighed. "He always knew I was father's favorite. He would make it a habit into misleading me or feeding me false information. Of course, this would result in me making mistakes which would get me in trouble with my father. Toya always treated it like a game or a fun hobby. He was never very apologetic about the punishments I would receive."

He didn't elaborate any more on the topic, and quite frankly, he didn't need to.

Shoto's story confirmed everything I already assumed. That Dabi is a sadistic traitor, someone who cannot be trusted.

I just realized i never put a image for the last chapter. Oh well.

And theres not an image for this chapter either.

Deal with it.

Imma try to finish this while i still have motivation. But dont hold my to that.

Murders in Tokyo |Bakugou x Reader x Dabi|| Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ