I could shoot her now. Get rid of one of the detectives on my case.

The overwhelming glee I felt was quickly overshadowed when I asked myself a simple question. How would having her dead benefit me when I could have her under my thumb instead?

I was disappointed in myself, she had been a pain in my back since the start and pulling the trigger would be my equivalent of kid in the candy shop.

I smiled when she pointed the taser at me. "You know, it doesn't have to be like this."

She didn't answer. Her expression didn't change, but her grip on the taser tightened.

I kept talking. "We could cut a deal."

This time she did reply, "What's that saying? Don't negotiate with terrorists?"

"I'm not a terrorist, sweetheart." I tested my luck and took a step forward. She didn't react which twisted my sneer into a grin. "Not gonna tase me?"

"Not gonna shoot me?"

"I haven't even told you my proposition yet."

"Then get on with it."

I tried to hide my glee. The longer she let me talk the more ideas I could put in her head. Manipulation is easy, you just have to know the person.

"I'll give you a guy to put in jail, you get to look like a hero and I get to go on my merry way." I took another step.

This time she backed up. "One more step and I'll tase you."

"You have a taser, I have a gun," I spoke, "One is definitely more lethal than the other so who's to say you're in any position to be making demands?"

She never answered. She didn't have to because the taser did all the talking. My body stiffened and I felt the current course through me. It left a stinging sensation across my body and made my hair stand on end. I was vaguely aware of my body hitting the floor, but the feeling was dull compared to galvanic pain racing through my bones.

I felt my hands being pulled behind my back, the muffled crank of handcuffs registered in my ears.

I might've thought of a few curse words, but it was hard to think straight.

I attempted to get to my feet, but something stopped me. Were they tied together? I pulled my legs in opposite directions but a force kept me from moving them more than a few inches apart.

Did she handcuff my legs?

I would've looked down to check, but my vision blurred.

I could see her figure leaving. Where was she going? To find the other one? What was his name?

Fuck. Goddammit.

How the hell did it end up like this? This was stupid, so incredibly stupid. And it was all her fault.

I felt someone dragging my legs.

Was it her? But I just saw her leave?

Muffled laughter hit me from all directions, like an echo.

Dread hit me.

I wish it would've been her.

"Quite the situation you got yourself into, huh?"

The question was dull at best, but it wasn't hard to figure out it was Shigaraki.

The stiffness in my limbs began to wear off and I could feel myself twitching now. I let out a groan. "And where's the blond you were chasing?"

Shigarki scoffed. "At least I didn't end up hand cuffed on the floor. Sad, really. Lucky for you I'm here. Like you're respawning."

"Quit it with the fucking video game talk," my words were slurred, like I was drunk. "Where are you even taking me?"

"Out of here," he said like it should've been obvious. "They have back up coming, we need to make our escape. Would be a lot easier if both of us were mobile."

He muttered the last part but I still heard it.

"Shut up, Chapstick."

"You wanna talk about dry skin? You're covered in burns you flake more than I do."

"Cause I have burns," I repeated, "Not cause I'm some fucking idiot who scratches himself raw."

"I could fucking leave you here, run the business myself." He kept dragging me though, the feeling of the cement beneath was become more clear by the second. The electricity was wearing off, but damn if it didn't still hurt.

My irritation at his comment was only overshadowed by the shame I felt. Getting tased and having to be saved by this asshole? I think I would've rather taken a bullet to the brain.

"Why didn't you shoot the brat?" His question was a jarring change in topic.

I sighed. There was no point in lying, which was a statement I would usually disagree with. "I thought I'd be able to manipulate her, get her to make a trade. I'd give her one of our lackeys and I'd stop killing."

"Would you have held up your end?"

"Hell no. I would wait for all the celebration that they caught 'me' to end then make my move. They'd loose credibility and I'd keep my revenge going against Kurogiri."

The plan sounded simple enough. Simple when you don't find yourself on the wrong end of a fucking taser.

"That's one way to do it. I think she's worth more dead, they both are."

"Maybe you should've made your fucking shot, then."

Shot. Gun. Notebook.

The realization was jarring. "Wait! My notebook. The one I kept a list of targets in. I fucking dropped it."

"God, you have to be joking." Shigarki went on off on a tangent about how disappointing I am.

But I wasn't the disappointment, he was. And I'd be dammed if I kept letting her give him reasons to talk about me like this.

Killing her would be too easy at this point.

She deserved worse.

Guess who's back from the dead?
Me bitches.

Yeah, I have no explanation for this chapter and I was hoping it would be longer since the last one was nearly 3,000 words.

I also kinda of hate it. Cause idk wtf i was thinking or even what happened in some of this.

Oh well, this will have to do for now.

Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Murders in Tokyo |Bakugou x Reader x Dabi|| Where stories live. Discover now