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After I've dropped Olivia off at home I drive back to my own house. My parents are away for the weekend since they're staying with some friends. When I park the truck in the driveway I see a girl sitting on the little stairs in front of my house, Camila. I raise my eyebrows and get out of the truck.

'Camila?' I ask confused and she looks up, her eyes red and her cheeks are wet from the tears. She's crying.

'Caleb,' she mumbles. 'I... I didn't know where else to go and I...' She sobs and more tears fall down her cheeks.

'What happened?' I ask her as I sit down next to her, but then I smell it, the alcohol. She's drunk again.

'I tried,' Camila cries. 'I really tried to stop drinking. But I... I can't, Caleb.' I bite my lip and close my eyes for a second. What am I supposed to do now? I can't just turn her down and send her away. I can't take her home since her parents will kill her.

'Cam, you need to seek help,' I slowly say, placing my hand on her thigh. 'You'll ruin yourself if you keep doing this.'

'I already did,' she mumbles. 'I fucked it up. You hate me, my parents will hate me when they find out. I have no one.'

'I don't hate you,' I sigh. 'But you hurt me Camila. You need to understand that.' She sighs and gets up.

'I'll leave,' she whispers and she wants to take a step, but she almost falls. I quickly catch her and get up as well.

'You can stay for the night,' I say to her. 'My parents aren't home. But promise me you'll seek professional help.' Camila nods and looks at me. Her green eyes are staring deeply into mine.

'Thanks,' she mumbles. I nod and quickly look away, leading Camila inside. I know I should just bring her home, but I just can't. I know how her parents can be. They'll get really mad when they find out Camila is drunk, again. I know I shouldn't feel responsible about her, but I can't help it. She's been part of my life for quite some time now, and I can't just turn my back on her. I can't pretend that I don't care about her anymore, that I don't have feelings for her anymore.

I help Camila up the stairs to my bedroom and gently lay her down on my bed.

'Caleb,' Camila murmurs. 'I'm sorry I hurt you.' I don't say anything and help her take off her shoes. What am I supposed to say? It's fine? Because it's not. I won't forget what she did to me.

Camila takes the rest of her clothes off, except for her underwear and I hand her one of my hoodies. Suddenly I remember that Olivia still has mine. I shrug my shoulders. She can keep it if she wants.

When Camila crawls underneath the sheets I get undressed as well and lie down next to her.

'God, I love your body,' Camila sighs, her fingertips trailing down the lines of my abs.

'Don't,' I mumble pushing her hand away. Camila looks up to me and bites her lip.

'We could have fun,' she says. 'Without a relationship. No feelings attached.' Is she serious right now?

'Camila, you know I can't do that,' I say to her. 'How am I supposed to move on from you if you keep doing this?'

'You don't have to move on,' she says. 'I like you and you like me. We could get back together.'

'You only like me because there is another girl who gets my attention,' I mumble.

'So you do like her.' Camila rolls back on her back and sighs. 'I knew it.'

'Stop it!' I hiss. 'Just stop. This is the reason we will never work. You always jump to conclusions. and assume the worst. I'm done, Camila.' I shake my head and sigh deeply.

She belongs with meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon