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I sigh deeply before I ring the doorbell. Liam doesn't know I'm here, so I don't know how he will react. Maybe Amy is with him. I just have to talk to him about everything. 

It's quiet for a few seconds, but then I hear footsteps coming down from the stairs. I breathe deeply in and out before the door opens. I'm greeted by Liam, with messy brown curls and a naked upper body. His black joggers are hanging low on his hips. 

'Olivia,' he says surprised. 'Hey.'

'Hey,' I mumble. 'Can we talk?' 

'Yeah, sure,' he nods and lets me in. 'Just let me put some clothes on real quick. You can take a seat. You know the way.' I nod and walk to the living room, taking a seat on the couch. He didn't seem mad, so that's a good thing, right? 

'Okay, what did you want to talk about?' Liam asks me when he walks into the living room. 

'I wanted to talk about us,' I tell him. 'About the way that things ended.' Liam nods and looks at me, waiting for me to say something else.

'That night after the party,' I begin. 'You didn't reach out to me. Why not?'

'Because I was mad at you,' Liam explains. 'And I was hurt. And then I heard that you left with Caleb, so it was just a conformation for me that you two weren't done. So I chose to let you go.' 

'Oh,' I mumble. 'I just thought that... I don't know. Normally when we fought, you would've said something. We never went to bed angry at each other.'

'Liv, that was a whole other time,' Liam sighs. 'That was back when there wasn't someone else involved. When I didn't have to worry about your feelings for someone else.' 

'I heard you're with Amy now,' I mumble.

'I heard you're with Caleb now,' Liam says. 'And that's okay. Liv, I was willing to fight for us. I really was. But things just weren't the same when I woke up from that coma. We met other people. We've been together for two years, and it's been great, but it's time to move on.' 

'I really loved you, Liam,' I whisper. 'I wish you all the best. I just wish things would've ended differently.' Liam smiles and takes my hand.

'I can see that Caleb makes you happy,' Liam says. 'Hold on to that. We just weren't meant to be. Amy makes me happy and Caleb makes you happy. What's more to say?' 

'You're right,' I smile. 'Thank you for wanting to talk.' 

'Of course.' Liam gets up and I do the same. 'I still care about you, Olivia. I always will. You were my first real love.' 

'And you were mine,' I say, giving him a hug. 'I should go now. Again, thank you for everything.' Liam smiles and leads me to the front door.

'If you ever need anything, just call me, okay?' he says. I nod and give him one last hug before I get back into my car. 

I'm glad Liam and I are back on good terms. I never wanted to fight with him. He's right. We just aren't meant to be. 

I decide to go to Caleb, since he wanted to see me today. When I get there I get out of my car and walk up to his front door. Before I even get the chance to ring the doorbell, the door swings open, revealing the tall body of my boyfriend.

'Hey, I saw your car,' he says as he kisses my cheek. 'How was your conversation with Liam?'

'Good,' I answer honestly. 'I think we both got the closure we wanted. Everything is fine between us.'

'That's great.' Caleb pulls me inside and takes my jacket from me. 

'I have to tell you something,' Caleb says as he leads me towards the couch.

'What is it?' I ask him, feeling a nervous feeling building up in my chest. He isn't going to break up with me now, is he?

'You know the other day when we were talking about New York?' Caleb asks me and I nod.

'Yes, why?'

'I booked us two tickets to New York during the holidays,' Caleb tells me. 'We'll be spending Christmas there.' My mouth drops open.

'You did what...?' I stammer, letting his words sink in. 

'You heard me,' he smiles.

'Caleb, you didn't have to do that,' I say. 'God, you're way too sweet.' I give him a long kiss on his lips.

'I just thought you should finally see New York,' Caleb says. 'And don't worry about the money.'

'Caleb, plane tickets are expensive,' I say. 'I could at least pay for my own ticket.'

'No, you're not.' Caleb pulls me on his lap. 'This is my present to you. All you have to do is enjoy the trip.' 

'I love you,' I smile, leaning in. 

'I love you too.' Caleb closes the distance between us by pressing his lips onto mine, causing me to completely lose myself in him. 

(This was the final chapter. But don't be sad yet, we still have an epilogue ;))

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