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After I said goodbye to Isaac I take Olivia outside. I told him I'm sorry for leaving, but he said he understands. I didn't expect anything else from him. Isaac is one of the chillest persons I know. Besides, a few of our other friends were already on the way, so he can hang out with them.

I feel bad for Olivia. I reckon it's not easy, having a boyfriend in the hospital and parents who are constantly fighting. Especially on your birthday. Birthdays should be fun.

Olivia sighs as she looks at her phone.

'What is it?' I ask her.

'Nora wants me to throw a birthday party next week,' she explains.


'But I don't know if I can,' she mumbles. 'It will be different without Liam.' So Liam must be her boyfriend. I have no idea who that is, but I guess I will find out someday.

'You shouldn't stop yourself from doing fun things because he's not around right now,' I tell Olivia. 'I know it sucks, not having him there, but it's your birthday.' Olivia bites her lip, taking in what I just said.

'Maybe you're right,' she says. We walk along each other as we make our way to the fair.

'How do you do that?' she asks suddenly.

'What?' I ask confused.

'Everything you say just makes sense,' Olivia tells me. 'It's weird, and kinda scary.' I laugh and shrug my shoulders.

'I'm just a very wise person,' I say and Olivia laughs.

'If I were throwing a party,' she begins. 'Would you come?'

'Yeah, sure,' I say. 'If you invited me.'

'Of course I'll invite you.' She puts her phone back in her pocket. 'And you can bring Camila as well.' I bite my lip and look away.

'I thought you didn't like her,' I mumble. I haven't told Olivia that Camila and I broke up. Maybe I should, but it's not like it's any of her business.

'Well, we're not exactly besties,' she admits. 'But she's your girlfriend.' I sigh. I should be honest with her. It's not like Camila and I will get back together.

'Actually, Camila and I broke up,' I murmur.

'Oh, shit, sorry,' Olivia says quickly. 'I didn't know.'

'It's fine,' I assure her.

'Did something happen between you?' Olivia asks after a moment of silence.

'Just the usual,' I shrug. 'She basically cheated on me, again.'

'Again?' Olivia asks confused.

'In the five months we've been together, she cheated six times on me,' I explain.

'Wow, why did you stay with her for so long?'

'Love makes you blind, I guess.' She nods, agreeing with me.

'But let's have some fun now,' I say to Olivia as I grab her arm and pull her with me to the fair.

Minutes later we're in line to go into the ferris wheel. It's already dark outside, so the view will be amazing. Olivia already has a cotton candy in her hands. That was the first thing she wanted to do: get one of those.

'What?' Olivia asks when she catches me staring at her and her cotton candy. 'I haven't had dinner, okay?' She pushes another piece in her mouth.

'We'll get you a hotdog after this,' I tell her.

When it's finally our turn I pay for the tickets and then we take a seat. Olivia is sitting across from me and when the wheel starts to move she begins to smile from excitement. Her blue eyes light up and I smile at the sight of it. I can tell why her boyfriend fell in love with her.

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