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'I knew it,' Liam hisses.

'Liam,' I say, getting up. 'It's not what it looks like.'

'It's not?' He laughs sarcastically. 'Just admit it already, you're clearly not over him!'

'I'll leave you two alone,' Caleb mumbles, slowly getting up. He touches my back for a second, letting me know he's there for me.

'I was cleaning up your mess!' I say to Liam when Caleb is gone. 'Why did you even hit him anyway?'

'Because he was giving you a hickey!' Liam growls.

'Yeah, with your consent!' I spit back. 'You had the chance to speak up when Levi told him to do it and you didn't!'

'Oh, so now I have to tell you what's right or wrong?' Liam shakes his head as he rakes his hand through his hair. 'Was there not a single fiber in your body telling you you shouldn't do it? I thought you were wise enough to know you don't allow that kinda shit while you're in a relationship.'

'We're not even official yet,' I mumble. 'And it's a game! Why do you care so much?'

'Oh, I don't know,' Liam shrugs. 'Maybe because he's in love with you! What do you expect me to do? Just sit there and watch how he's pleasing you?!'

'Now you're overreacting,' I sigh.

'I'm not!' Liam hisses. 'You were almost moaning his fucking name there!' I shake my head.

'Now I remember why I had my doubts about us,' I mumble.

'What?' Liam asks confused.

'You don't trust me!' I say. 'After everything we've been through. Remember, you're the one who cheated on me! I've never done anything for you to have the right to doubt me. You lied to me about Amy, made me feel stupid because I believed there was something going on between you. You manipulated me and I still stayed with you. You always make me feel guilty for something that isn't even my fault! I'm done with it Liam, I'm done.'

'Just admit that you want to be with Caleb,' Liam mumbles.

'Here we go again!' I yell. 'Do you even realize what you've done? You hit Caleb on his temple! He could've been knocked out. Also, you should be thanking Caleb for nor fighting back.'

'He's just weak,' Liam says.

'No, he didn't want to cause any more damage to your body,' I explain. 'He didn't want to disturb your recovery. Think about that before you judge him!'

'He's just making up excuses,' Liam murmurs, but I can tell he doesn't even believe his own words.

'Yes, Liam, he's making up excuses for not having to fight someone who still has to recover from an accident,' I say sarcastically. 'We're done Liam.'

He doesn't say anything as I leave the bathroom and make my way downstairs. It's for the best like this. Liam and I just aren't meant to be. I realized that this evening.

When I get downstairs I walk to the kitchen and see Nora, Isaac and Caleb there.

'Hey, are you okay?' Nora asks me as soon as she notices me.

'Liam and I are done,' I tell her.

'Oh...' She wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a hug. 'I'm sorry, Liv.'

'It's for the best,' I mumble. 'We were never going to work on the long term.'

'I'm here for you, Liv,' Nora says. 'You know that. I'll always have your back.' I smile and slowly let her go.

'Do you need a ride?' Isaac asks me. 'We were just about to bring Caleb home.'

'Yeah, that'd be nice,' I smile.

When we get into Isaac's car I stare out of the window. I can't believe Liam and I are officially done. I don't know how I feel, or how to feel. I don't know if I should be happy, or relieved, or sad. Maybe a mixture of everything? All I know is that I don't want to be alone right now.

'Are you okay?' Caleb asks me, taking my hand.

'I've been better,' I admit. 'I just don't wanna be alone now.'

'You can stay at my place?' he suggests. I nod and smile.

Minutes later Isaac's car is parked in front of Caleb's house.

'Text me if you need anything,' Nora says as I get out.

'I will, thanks,' I smile, closing the door behind me. Caleb grabs my hand again and leads me towards the front door.

'My parents are home, so we'll have to be quiet,' he says. I nod and watch him as he opens the front door. We quickly take our shoes off before we go upstairs.

'Here,' Caleb mumbles, handing me one of his hoodies. I quickly change into it and crawl into bed. When Caleb only has his boxers on he joins me.

'Is this okay?' he asks, wrapping his arms around me. I nod and snuggle up against him.

'We're a mess,' he sighs. 'You just broke things off with Liam and I was mad at you a few hours ago.'

'I know,' I murmur. 'But I don't have the energy to play games right now. I just wanna lie in your arms.'

'We can take care of that,' Caleb mumbles. I look up and carefully let my fingertips touch his blue  eye.

'Does is hurt?' I ask him.

'A little bit,' he admits, taking my hand in his. 'But I'll be okay.'

'I can't believe Liam did that,' I sigh. 'He didn't say anything when Levi told you to give me a hickey.'

'It's fine,' Caleb mumbles, pressing his lips on my knuckles.

'Caleb, I'm sorry for everything I've put you through,' I say.

'Stop apologizing, okay?' Calebs arms drop around my waist as he pulls me closer. 'I just want to move forward from now on.' I nod and wrap my arms around his muscular body. We stay like that for several minutes. I know Caleb hasn't fully forgiven me yet, and that's fine. I don't even deserve to be forgiven. But I'm done hiding my feelings for Caleb. I want to build something with him, but first I need to get my own life together.

(That was a short romance between Liam and Olivia again... or not?

Let me know what you think of this chapter and have a nice day/evening x)

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