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I push through the crowd that's gathered around the bathroom. Like seriously, who even wants to stand here? It's not like the toilets are the cleanest place in this school.

As soon as I walk in I see Camila, applying some mascara to her eyelashes.

'Do you have a date or something?' I ask her, before I see a guy coming out of one of the stalls. His hair is a mess and his cheeks are flushed.

'Seriously?' I roll my eyes. I can't believe her.

'It's none of your business,' Camila sneers, letting her hands glide through her brown hair. 'Besides, don't you need to be around Caleb?'

'Caleb and I are just friends,' I explain.

'I'm out of here,' the guy mumbles and he quickly leaves.

'I really don't understand you,' I say. 'If you care about Caleb, why would you screw some guy in the bathroom?'

'Like I said, it's none of your business.' Camila is looking at me now. 'I won't explain what I do to the puppy of Caleb.'

'Excuse me?' I laugh and shake my head. 'Puppy? I'm not the one who keeps texting Caleb after you broke up.'

'Oh, please.' Camila laughs. 'Caleb just needs someone there for him. He needs to have someone to make him believe he's worth something.'

'I can't believe you,' I mumble, placing my bag on the bathroom sink. 'You know what?' Camila looks at me with her eyebrows raised.

'You're a pathetic bitch!' I hiss. 'You don't deserve Caleb, never did, never will.'

'Oh and who does?' Camila asks. 'You?' She laughs bitterly.

'Tell me, how is Liam?' she asks then. 'Is he still in coma? Are you happy with him? I guess not. You know, before you got in a relationship, we had a short thing. But he isn't good in bed, not at all. So I hope you enjoy that little dick for the rest of your life. Or maybe you already tried Calebs? I don't judge you, Caleb is huge.' I shake my head and feel the anger rage through me. Everything around us disappears.

'And maybe you don't want to admit it,' Camila says. 'But you're just a slut.' That's enough. My anger controls me and before I realize it, my flat hand slaps her cheek. Camila's head moves to the side and she looks shocked for a few seconds before I can see the anger in her green eyes. Soon her fist hits my nose and that's all it takes for us to get into a fight. She pulls my hair while I punch her in the face.

'You bitch!' she yells.

Suddenly someone pulls me away from Camila.

'Olivia,' I hear a familiar voice say as he drags me out of the bathroom, Caleb.

'She is such a manipulative bitch!' I scream.

'Hey, hey, calm down.' Caleb looks me right in the eyes, his hands placed on my shoulders. I finally relax as I look into his brown eyes.

'Here, your nose is bleeding.' Caleb hands me a tissue for me to hold against my nose.

'Camila and Olivia, principals office, now!' I look up and see mrs. Hamilton. She's looking very angry.

'Go,' Caleb says. 'We'll talk afterwards.' I nod and follow Camila and mrs Hamilton towards principal Armstrong.

When we arrive there principal Armstrong doesn't look very pleased. He has an angry frown on his forehead.

'She hit me first!' Camila immediately says. Really?

'Sit down, both of you!' he growls. Camila and I both take a seat.

'We don't tolerate fighting at this school!' he says then. 'I thought you knew better than to attack each other.'

'She attacked me!' Camila defenses herself.

'Yeah, after you called me a slut,' I hiss. I really can't believe this girl. How can someone be so selfish?

'It doesn't matter who started what,' principal Armstrong says, pushing his glasses further up his nose. 'You both know the school rules. We don't tolerate fighting or calling each other names.'

'I'm going to inform your parents about this,' he mumbles. 'And the both of you get detention for the whole week.'

'But I didn't do anything!' Camila starts to protest, but when she sees the angry look on principal Armstrongs face she keeps her mouth shut.

'Can we go now?' I ask him. He nods and I immediately get up and walk out of the office. Sighing I check my phone and see that Caleb texted me.

[12.45 PM]
I don't think we have enough time to talk in 5 minutes. So meet me after school?

[12.50 PM]
I have detention🙄

[12.51 PM]
Oh, tonight then? I can come to your house.

[12.52 PM]
My parents are home, so I'd rather be somewhere else.

[12.52 PM]
My house then?

[12.53 PM]
Yeah sure, I'll be there around 8

[12.53 PM]
See you then x

I put my phone back in my pocket and walk towards my next class.

I take my usual seat next to Nora and grab my books out of my bag.

'You had a fight with Camila?' she asks surprised and I nod.

'She was being a bitch,' I mumble. 'So I hit her. And then she hit me back and well...'

'I'm glad someone finally gave that girl a punch in the face,' Nora says. 'Maybe she finally wakes up from her stupidity.' I laugh and shake my head.

'Let's hope so,' I say.

'What did Caleb say?' Nora asks then.

'Nothing yet,' I sigh. 'I had to go to the principal. Got detention for a week. But we're gonna talk tonight.'

'He better not back Camila on this,' she says. 'I swear to god, if he sticks up for that bitch I'll'

'I don't think he will,' I interrupt her. 'He knows how Camila is.'

'Yeah, but he still cares about her,' Nora murmurs. 'Feelings don't disappear that quickly.'

'I know,' I sigh. 'But it'll be okay. I mean, I stood up for him too.' Nora nods and just then, the teacher walks in. I hope Caleb understands why I hit Camila. He has to.

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