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At eight o'clock I park my car in front of Olivia's house and send her a text to let her know I'm waiting for her. Minutes later, the door swings open and Olivia walks outside, a blue dress covering her body. It looks good on her, the color matches her eyes.

'Hey,' I greet the brunette as she gets in the truck.

'Hey,' she sighs, pushing a strand of her brown hair out of her face. 'I'm sorry it took so long. My parents were fighting, again.'

'It's fine,' I say to her. 'You're not half as bad as Camila. She kept me waiting for an hour once.' Olivia's mouth drops open.

'You're kidding, right?' she asks me and I shake my head. 'Oh my god, that's just straight up rude.'

'Yeah, well, it's Camila,' I shrug. 'I'm used to it.' Once Olivia has fasten her seatbelt I drive off.

'Have you texted her back yet?' Olivia asks me.

'Yup,' I mumble. 'I told her we're done. I hope she gets the message now.'

'You'll find someone way better than her,' Olivia says. 'I promise.' I smile and look at her for a swift second before I turn my gaze back to the road. It's a short drive to the drive in theatre, maybe fifteen minutes. I don't know why, but I feel nervous around Olivia. I don't want to ruin things between us. I don't want to ruin our friendship by letting my feelings get involved. She has a boyfriend whom she loves. I won't stand a chance.

'I'm glad it's still warm outside,' Olivia says as she looks out of the window. 'Normally it's already freezing at this time.'

'I don't mind the cold,' I mumble.

'Really?' Olivia looks over to me. 'I like the summer and the hot weather.'

'I love the winter,' I tell her. 'Especially when I'm in a relationship. I love to cuddle underneath the blankets with hot chocolate and a movie.'

'Yeah, when you put it like that...' Olivia smiles. 'I can tell you're a romantic guy.' I shrug and look at her blue eyes for a second.

'Only around the right person,' I mumble, looking away again.

I've tried to plan dates with Camila, picnicking on the beach at night with candles, but she didn't appreciate it. Camila just wants a fancy dinner. She doesn't like small gestures. So I stopped planning those kinds of dates a long time ago. I felt embarrassed when she asked what I was doing. She thought I planned something big for her. I was just trying to be a good boyfriend for her, but it didn't turn out well.


When we arrive at the drive in theatre Caleb parks the truck backwards so the trunk is facing the big screen. We get out of the vehicle and Caleb grabs the blankets and pillows from the backseat.

'You really thought of everything,' I say to him.

'Of course,' he says. 'Who watches a movie without blankets?' I laugh and grab a pillow out of his hands.

'Can you handle this?' Caleb asks me, putting everything down in the trunk. 'Then I'll get some snacks.'

'Yeah, sure,' I say to him and I watch Caleb as he walks away towards the stands. I climb in the trunk and place the pillows against the back and put a blanket down, so we can sit a bit more comfortable. I take a seat and put the other blanket on top of me.

Caleb was right. This is a really good distraction from everything that's going on right now. I'm so done with the whole situation around Liam and Amy. I don't want to think about that anymore.

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